
From Little-Known Galaxy Wiki
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General Information
Classification Area of Interest
Spaceship.png  Plaza Deck (4)
Holo-sim location.png

Holo-sim is a holographic simulation upgrade for the player's spaceship. The player can unlock this upgrade at the machine shop. This building will be repaired on the plaza deck, and comes with three different simulations, each with its own design and unique qualities. All three different simulations come with the holo-sim upgrade by default.

When the player first enteres the holo-sim, the room will be a plain simulation room, with white walls and floors. The player will then interact with the control panel in the lower-right corner of the room to choose the simulation they would like to load. When the player is ready to leave the simulation, they need to interact with the control panel and select "exit simulation".

Repair Costs:
The cost and materials to repair this building are Credits.png Credits × 850, Scrap metal block.png Scrap metal block × 20, Aluminum.png Aluminum × 10, and Hardware parts.png Hardware parts × 15. Once gathered, the player must bring them to the Machine shop, to begin this repair. This repair takes 3 days to complete.


The BEACH.sim converts the simulation room to a beach. The player can sleep in the lounge chair and regain energy for free.


For more information, see LIBRARY.sim.

The LIBRARY.sim acts as an in-game wiki for the player. As the player progresses through the game, they will get books which will populate the LIBRARY.sim. The player can go to the library and read any of the books they have unlocked, which provide helpful information on various areas of the game. Each bookcase holds information on a category of the game.

New books will be marked with a "!" over the bookcase and when the player interacts with that bookcase, a second "!" will be on any new entrees for that bookcase.


The SPA.sim converts the room to a relaxing spa. The player can soak in the spa and regain energy for free.

