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This page lists the dialogue lines for Stewart.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




This job is so thankless, and honestly, it's not really that challenging for me.
Stewart portrait confused.png
Can you make it quick?
Some of us actually have a lot of work to do around here.
Stewart portrait angry.png
Don't you think Shinji is just about the laziest person you ever met?
Stewart portrait sad.png
And he is spending way too much time around my sister.
Sometimes I think I'm the only one trying to keep this ship together.
I not only designed my own home security system, but I also have a few undisclosed panic rooms if needed.
Don't get any ideas if we find trouble though...
They only accommodate 2 people.


You really should wear your official space alliance name badge when you are on duty.
Stewart portrait confused.png
Why am I the only one who wears it?... *huffs*
Seven hundred ninety-two... plus the two thousand one hundred twenty-five components...
Stewart portrait stressed.png
...not now, Captain... I'm trying to deal with a few things.
For security reasons, I only store my passwords on individual pieces of paper and hide them each in unique locations.
That way any privacy breach would be minimal.
Oh, just so you know, I wouldn't believe everything Lauren tells you about me.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
*looks away*... she tends to exaggerate.
Stewart portrait confused.png
Strange... you are not as irritating as you were when you first came aboard.
Good for you.


Stewart portrait angry.png
I'm kind of annoyed right now... I have to change a system that is already working and will take time to implement.
It's going to take serious time to complete this... unless... *thinks to self*
Yeah, that will probably work... I should have it done by this afternoon.
I've implemented a workout routine for optimal health and wellness while utilizing the least amount of time possible.
Stewart portrait confused.png
Why Lauren insists on continuously putting strain on her body is something I don't understand.
I would never buy bread from the store.
I only eat homemade sourdough bread that I make once a week with a sourdough starter I've perfected.
Stewart portrait happy.png
Next time I have to feed my starter I could give you some of it if you want.
You know it seems like all the other decks get a lot more of your attention.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
The engines don't run themselves you know.
*talking to self*
Need to recalibrate the quantum sensors to automatically account for quantum fluctuations when orbiting around new planetary systems.
Oh, hey... *awkward pause*

Good Friend

Stewart portrait happy.png
I'll admit, not being responsible for every little thing has been a nice change of pace for me.
If I measure out the right amount of food based on my nutritional needs and supplement anything I'm lacking with vitamins, I should never require the aid of a physician.
It's just basic math and science at the end of the day.
I customized my safety glasses to automatically filter out harmful rays and dim when I'm working on ship consoles.
Stewart portrait happy.png
The pair I sent to you should also do the same.
You know, a lot of ships would love to have me as their engineer, but you guys really NEED me.
So I guess that's why I don't mind sticking around.
I'm working on some big inventions that might really take off one day.
As soon as I finalize my prototypes, I'm going to submit them to the division of Engineering to see if I can get some additional funding.

Best Friend

I'm not sure if you are interested, but Max and I hold a monthly LARP group where we work on our gear and choreograph battles.
Next meeting we're working on noseguards for our helmets.
Stewart portrait happy.png
Version 4.0 was still the best C-Cell Ion Thruster interface by far.
Stewart portrait happy.png
It had solid mapping grids and the fastest Int-Damper power transfers to date, and...
Stewart portrait confused.png
Oh... I think I lost you somewhere, huh?
I lived alone for a long time until Lauren moved in.
Stewart portrait happy.png
I thought it would be super challenging to have my sister living with me... but it's actually alright, I guess.
Look, I know I'm not ever going to win any popularity contests, but I appreciate our friendship.
It means a lot that you have my back.
You probably wouldn't have guessed, but I'm rated to fly this ship and am a certified flight instructor.
I've worked on so many spacecrafts that I kind of just acquire my certificates through all the flight testing.
Stewart portrait happy.png
It's also kind of enjoyable to micromanage Pilot from time to time.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Stewart portrait angry.png
*eye roll*
So new captain huh?
Stewart portrait angry.png
I'd bet you don't know the first thing about this ship's innerworkings, or how to fix any of the components around here.
Stewart portrait angry.png
This is exactly why everything is so run-down... newbie captains who don't want to take care of an older ship.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
ust leave it all to me as usual... (whispers) What a joke.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Yeah, yeah, I get it...
Just go ahead and go down to the Grey Planet. We don't all have time to hear you talk about it.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Stewart portrait confused.png
I don't know where Kaida is if you're asking me.
But... you could always check the Science Lab.

During the Help Soot mission:

Stewart portrait confused.png
I'm kind of surprised you already decided to help that alien down on the Grey Planet.
I would've just asked more questions is all...
Stewart portrait angry.png
But hey, what do I know...

During the Crew Meeting mission:

I am required to attend all senior officer meetings.
We have done things by committee here in the past, so it would be best not to change that process.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

OK, one more time, to make Dark Matter Fuel you need to....
A. Craft a Fuel Refiner machine on your workbench and build it on your deck.
B. Put 10 Dark Matterinto the machine and wait until it's finished.
C. Bring the completed fuel down to the engine room and deposit it into the fuel collector.

During the Travel Days mission:

Stewart portrait happy.png
OK, so I will say it's a nice change to have an extra set of hands on the dark matter production.
Stewart portrait happy.png
The engines seem to be handling the fuel you produced well, so we should arrive on schedule.
Stewart portrait sad.png
But, don't blame me if this excursion turns south real fast.
Just remember for the record I was against this whole trip from the start.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

*shivers* Ick... hearing about microbes, kind of give me the chills.
Just don't get to close to me when you're using that new microbe tool OK?

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Make sure you start thinking ahead and consider producing more fuel in case we need to make another trip.
It's always best to be prepared.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Sure seems like an interesting society down on that ocean planet.
Stewart portrait confused.png
I wonder how they protect their metal structures from all that salt corrosion...
Stewart portrait confused.png
...*drifts off in thought*

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Now that you have the Relic Piece, this is that moment where if you planned ahead and stocked up on fuel, you're feeling pretty good right now...
...but if you didn't, well, time to get to work.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Stewart portrait stressed.png
More traveling...
I better give the engines another once over...

During the Discover a New World mission:

I'm not really interested in seeing what's down on this new planet.
Best case scenario I can think of is that you don't get eaten...

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Stewart portrait happy.png
I like the sound of that crab down on the planet.
Stewart portrait happy.png
His ship seems to be quite an engineering marvel too.
I think I would like to get to know him better, if you don't screw things up.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Stewart portrait happy.png
So you got another relic piece...
...not bad... not bad.
Stewart portrait angry.png
What?! Look, if you don't want a compliment, just forget I said anything.

During the New Coordinates mission:

So that relic is getting more active these days, huh?
Stewart portrait confused.png
I wonder how that little squeak is connected to it...
Stewart portrait confused.png
He sure doesn't say a lot... and he always runs away and hides whenever I try to get near him.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Stewart portrait sad.png
Captain, there are frozen rock fragments flying everywhere in this part of space.
Stewart portrait sad.png
If we bring the ship back to headquarters all banged up, I'm not taking the blame for it.
Tell you what... I'll increase the sensitivity of CPU's shield regenerating sensors while we are in orbit.
Stewart portrait happy.png
That should save us both from an awkward conversation when we return.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Stewart portrait stressed.png
You crashed the shuttle craft!!?
Oh man, would I have loved to seen Edward's face when you told him...
Stewart portrait happy.png
You told him, right? Right? Can I tell him if you didn't?

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

I don't know how you did it, but you must have groveled on your hands and knees for those Furballs to forgive you.
Stewart portrait confused.png
And then, to even help you...? I'm shocked.
Well, just try to take it easy with that relic piece, OK.
Stewart portrait happy.png
And let's hope it still works in that condition.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Hey, [PLAYER]. I was prepping my lunchboxes for the week and I realized...
You've probably never tried my famous homemade bread.
Stewart portrait happy.png
You can have one of the loaves if you want...
Player receives
Bread.png Bread × 1

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Lots to do today, busy, busy.
Stewart portrait confused.png
You should be heading down to the new planet too, right?

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Stewart portrait confused.png
[PLAYER], did you get a good look at that big pirate ship?
I'd love to get my hands on one of those solar sails or maybe a schematic at least?
What a great looking design...

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

I know you have to deliver that relic piece, but I was finally getting used to our routine.
I guess good things always do have to come to an end at some point.
Stewart portrait happy.png
You've worked hard, and it's been kind of fun to work with you... I said kind of...

During the Master Explorer mission:

You did it?
I can't believe you actually stuck with us and solved this mystery.
I bet the Viridians are even more pleased you reunited them with Soot.
Stewart portrait happy.png
Well... good job... Captain... *awkward moment*
Well don't just stand there, we still have to keep this ship running, don't we?
You better get back to work.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Stewart portrait happy.png
No way, this is a highly rated gift on the intergalactic forums!
Stewart portrait happy.png
For me, really?
To be honest, I never really know where we stand with one another, but this says a lot.
Stewart portrait happy.png
*eyes go wide* Oh! Wow.
I... I mean thanks, Captain.

Liked Gift

Oh thanks. Most people forget about me down in the Engine Room.
I'm not used to getting gifts. It's nice.
Yeah, it's nice. I do like this kind of thing. *thumbs up*

Neutral Gift

Oh for me... so am I supposed to offer you a high five or something?
Well, OK. I'll get you next time.
A satisfactory item from a satisfactory captain...
...but at least it's useful. *half smile*

Disliked Gift

Stewart portrait sad.png
Uh... ok. Gift giving is not really your expertise huh.
Stewart portrait angry.png
Yup, questionable choices when trying to motivate the crew...
Stewart portrait angry.png
Oh, ignore me... I'm just making a mental note to write this down later in my report to Space Alliance.
Stewart portrait angry.png
*blank stare* You really want my honest opinion?
Stewart portrait angry.png
I don't think you do.
Stewart portrait stressed.png
Yeah, thanks, but you might want to focus some of this extra effort on your actual duties.
Stewart portrait sad.png
I'll take it, but it's not really that great or anything so don't compliment yourself too much.

Birthday Response

Stewart portrait happy.png
You? You remembered my birthday?
Stewart portrait confused.png
Did Lauren tell you?
Stewart portrait confused.png
*shakes head* I just am having a hard time believing you remembered all on your own.
I guess anyone can surprise you once in a while.
Stewart portrait happy.png
Well... thanks.