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This page lists the dialogue lines for Doc12.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




Oh. Hello, [PLAYER].
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
I don't really like hanging out, but Frances said I should try and be nice to you.
So... hi there.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
How did you discover what kind of hobbies you enjoy?
I was instructed to learn medicine, but I don't think it classifies as a hobby.
Although, completing lab tests is something I always look forward to.
I um... don't have anything interesting to say really. I should probably just get going for now.
I guess it's not really very common to have a number in your name, is it?
I'm not really sure what else to tell people, but it makes sense to me.
It was the order I was born in, so that was the name and number they gave me.
Living with Frances suits me well and she always says we're a family.
I guess you would consider her kind of like my adoptive mother.


I still take night classes with Max but it's more for observation.
I suppose Max isn't the best crewmate to learn emotional behavior from, but he is very good at breaking it down.
Plus, watching Shinji's behavior keeps us both fascinated most of the time.
I have very strict quarantine rules whenever I am performing lab work.
Sometimes I even do the research on the outer hull just to make sure there is no chance of a breach.
Frances really likes to do a family dinner between the two of us from time to time.
She keeps saying that one day I will remember these as bonding moments and will perform the ritual for my own chosen family.
I guess the passage of time will make things clearer.
I try to optimize my sleep at night by turning off all electronics that emit blue light at least 25 minutes before I fall asleep.
There are a lot of health benefits to getting a proper amount of sleep every night.
My sisters and I may be genetically enhanced, but we are still human after all.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Don't you find small talk difficult?
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
And because we're in space we can't even discuss atmospheric weather or temperatures.


I found a book of crossword puzzles Frances must have given up on.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
I don't see why everyone makes such a fuss over them.
I finished the whole book in about a week.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Sometimes I think you try a little too hard to be friends with everyone.
Jimmy and I are hanging out more because our parents are getting closer.
It is fairly easy to notice the hormone responses in them when they are together.
Recently I have started to experience some interesting dreams.
Frances said my 'emotional side' and 'individuality' would start to develop since leaving the cloning facility. But... I didn't expect it to be like this.
Doc12 portrait sad.png
These dreams are very confusing, so I am mapping them in a diary for later analysis.
These are some ideas I came up with that I might turn into a hobby outside of work. Which one of them appeals to you the most?
PLAYER: Knot Tying

I agree, it's very fascinating. Did you know there are literally thousands of different ways to tie a knot?
PLAYER: Cryptography

Do you even know what it is? I was thinking about constructing and analyzing my own protocol to secure private messaging.
I wonder if I can memorize everything there is to know.

Good Friend

You don't plan on leaving this post any time soon, do you?"
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
It would be a real disappointment to everyone if you left. I am growing fond of your companionship.
The trick to being a good multi-tasker is organization.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
If everything is organized and filed correctly in a digital binder you won't forget the little things.
Normally I wouldn't like your clothing style, but for some reason I think it works for you.
I was always used to wearing what my other cloned siblings wore.
Except for our identification number tags of course. Those were unique.
Some humans experience color blindness, but I actually have the unique ability to see a couple of additional colors that most people cannot see.
I would describe them as a 'red-green' and a 'yellow-blue'.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Did you know that all human beings are 99.9% identical in their genetic makeup?
Even with all of our differences in appearance, behavior, and predispositions; we are more similar than different.

Best Friend

The other day I noticed that Frances was kind of overwhelmed.
Actually, I was surprised I had noticed...
Doc12 portrait happy.png
...but it gave me a good feeling to take some of the work off of her plate.
"Are you going to be in the restaurant later?
Some of the crew members have invited me to go and I'm finding I enjoy listening to their stories.
I don't have a lot of unique experiences to share, but everyone does seem fascinated in hearing what it was like growing up with so many identical siblings.
I rarely tell anyone this, but I keep my original number tag from my childhood inside my lab coat pocket.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
I'm not sure if it's a habit or I am experiencing some kind of emotional attachment to it.
Besides Frances, I don't know if anyone knows me better than you.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I appreciate the bond we have formed so far on our journey together. Friendship really is a very warm feeling.
Frances is letting me conduct my own clinical study soon.
I've done all the research I can on the topic, but a lot of it will just come down to my own instincts.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I think I'm ready, thanks to all your support as well.


I'm still not sure why we don't just fill out the marriage certificate.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
But I guess we can do the ceremony if it makes everyone onboard happy.
Frances and the other women aboard are making such a fuss over me since the wedding is so close.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Is this normal behavior?
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
Don't say anything, but between you and me, it's kind of creepy.
Frances is helping me pack up my room so I can move in with you after the wedding.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
It's a nice gesture, but every time she packs a photo she starts crying.
I hope you don't snore, but if you do, I'll do some research and we'll get to the medical cause of it.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I have this fluttery feeling about our wedding coming up.
Doc12 portrait romanced.png
I guess you bring out my emotions more than most people. *blushes*


Doc12 portrait happy.png
Married life is a lot easier than everyone says.
But it's probably because you just accept me for who I am.
Doc12 portrait romanced.png
I like our chemical attraction.
If you have time later, I'd love to run some medical theories I've been researching past you.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
You always help me think through what steps are next in my work.
Sometimes the attachment I have to you makes me nervous... so it better be mutual.
I think the best part of being married is the teamwork involved.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I bet we could even assemble furniture together without fighting.
I'm kind of glad I'm married now, because I think it gives Frances a chance to focus on her happiness too.
Doc12 portrait sad.png
Sorry. I love you, but I just need some alone time right now.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

You must be the new captain we have been expecting for a while now.
I am the Junior Medical Officer and will be tracking your medical records throughout our journey.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
I do not have any additional data on your assigned mission.
*Awkward pause* Goodbye.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

When you go down to planetary surfaces, you should bring some extra sealant for your spacesuit, just in case.
A lot of foreign bacteria and particles can incapacitate you within hours if exposed.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Doc12 portrait angry.png
Captain! *points at your dusty shoes*
Please make sure to limit the number of contaminants you bring back aboard this ship.

During the Help Soot mission:

Why do you need to grow different kinds of food again?
Food Rations have all the nutrients you need for a day and are adequately flavored.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

I still don't understand... why did you bring that alien, Soot, aboard?
Doc12 portrait sad.png
Without a proper study, we do not know if the alien is compatible with the lifeforms aboard this vessel.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

I imagine we will be leaving orbit soon once you've filled the ship's fuel tanks.
I will make a note of it in our log so we have a record of external factors when making medical assessments.

During the Travel Days mission:

As we journey through space, you might want to take this opportunity to improve morale around here.
Studies show stress can be a major contributor to serious illness, so I consider it part of your duty as captain to reduce those levels.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Captain, Frances informed me that you will be assisting us with microbe research.
Please do not forget to check the microbe board in the science lab from time to time.
I often review the data found on that board when conducting my own research as well.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Oh, are we at the planet already? I lost track of time.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Captain, I am pleased you are helping the people of the Blue Reef Kingdom, and I'd advise you to not delay your efforts.
Land sickness is caused when the brain is agitated by perceptual incongruity and releases a series of stress hormones.
I'd be interested in experiencing it so I could improve my 'bedside manner'.
Frances said I should work on it.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Satisfactory job on obtaining another relic piece.
Your interpersonal skills seem to be useful to acquire other's trust.
I have been documenting some of your methods for future use.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Captain, I have to say traveling in space does boost a healthy amount of adrenaline across the crew.
I am monitoring my own personal levels and trying to see similar results but so far nothing significant.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Frances says I'm thinking too logically instead of 'living in the moment'. Whatever that means...?

During the Discover a New World mission:

I will see you when you return from your trip to the planet's surface... oh and...
...please inform the medical bay immediately if you find any other inhabitants experiencing illness like before.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Some people are complimenting you on your kind offer to help the arthropod on the surface.
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
Kindness is something I am still trying to practice too... So I wanted you to have this...
Player receives
Jute.png Jute × 1
I heard that the arthropod was in need of this material, so I thought you could pass it along for me.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Captain, compliments to you on your success acquiring another one of the mission relic pieces.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
You are solidifying the benefit of your existence more and more.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Frances likes to be on the move and I guess I do too.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Watching the stars fly past my window gives me a calming feeling I don't have when we are in orbit.

During the The Planet Below mission:

I would like to assist Kaida with her scientific evaluation of this new planet.
It shouldn't disrupt my medical duties, but I'll log my absence on the medical roster so Frances can find me just in case.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

I find it interesting that the Bunky Family has been living in isolation with nobody but themselves.
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
But now that I think about it...
That actually sounds like something I might enjoy.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

I think if I had to choose a permanent habitat, I would prefer a cooler planet instead of a warmer one.
The brain functions more clearly in cold climates, and freezing temperatures can be ideal for storing lab samples.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Even though we are getting closer to accomplishing the primary mission...
Make sure you take time for yourself to rest and recharge your mental health.
Very few people can work as efficiently as me.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Captain, would you like a vitals check before you depart?
PLAYER: Yes please.

*scans your body*... Temperature... normal, Oxygen levels... normal, Blood pressure... a little high but within normal range.
PLAYER: No thanks.

Doc12 portrait sad.png
That is ill advised but your complexion is good and you seem to be functioning at full capacity.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

I am programming some new surgical techniques into our databases.
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
Clearly, you have no aversion to risk-taking and you seem to invite trouble, so we might need them.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Doc12 portrait confused.png
I have to admit, I am experiencing curiosity about these relic pieces.
I find it fascinating that simple acts of kindness can produce such impressive results.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Captain, your personal magnetism is very attractive and charming.
You can relate and build trust with others so easily.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I think that is why we have accomplished this mission with such success and charisma.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
This has been a personal journey for me as well... and thanks to you, I have learned a lot about how to open up more to others.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Doc12 portrait happy.png
You really got this for me? I really like it.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Thank you, [PLAYER]. This item has a lot of significant value for me.
This is too nice of a present...
Doc12 portrait happy.png
...and I don't know how to thank someone properly so I guess I should just say, 'Thank you'.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
By giving this item to me you have unknowingly helped me with my tasks. I really value efficiency.

Liked Gift

Doc12 portrait happy.png
Huh, I think I like this item. It's giving me a warm feeling.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Hey, I get this for myself all the time. You have great observational skills.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
This is a nice surprise. You make interesting and complex choices, don't you?

Neutral Gift

This seems very pragmatic and an acceptable gift.
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
You seem to be waiting for some kind of emotional response so...
...thanks for bringing this by.

Disliked Gift

Doc12 portrait sad.png
Thanks, but don't worry about it. I'm not very good at giving gifts either.
Doc12 portrait angry.png
This gift is unacceptable. I would prefer to not receive it in the future.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
I feel something for this gift, but what is this emotion?
Doc12 portrait sad.png
Repulsive? ...yeah... I think I feel repulsed by this gift.

Birthday Response

Thank you for the birthday present.
text": "You seem to be good at remembering social obligations to the crew members.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I not only appreciate your gift, but your attention to details.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

For me?
This is so very traditional of you... but I have to say, quite a nice gesture.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
It does make sense for us to co-habitat... and, in fact, I think I like you as well.
Doc12 portrait romanced.png
Let's do it then, let's get married...
...but just don't get too sappy on me, OK?

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Doc12 portrait sad.png
Oh wow, this is awkward. We don't know each other well enough to get married right now.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Doc12 portrait confused.png
I think I'm supposed to have some kind of emotional attachment before we get married... right?
Doc12 portrait confused.png
When I see you, I'm not sure about my feelings. Perhaps if we go out on a date, we might be able to grow our connection more.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Doc12 portrait stressed.png
Really? It's not that I don't like you but...
Doc12 portrait stressed.png
...I don't know if there would be enough room in your living quarters for both of us right now.
Doc12 portrait confused.png
Maybe the timing is just not right yet.

The player can also give Doc12 an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

You really don't have to give me tokens of affection like this.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
I feel confident in our relationship.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Doc12 portrait happy.png
This is actually a convenient time to participate in this ritual.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Please share the agenda you have arranged.

Accepting the date invite (married):

I suppose it is good practice in a serious relationship to continue spending time with one another.
Doc12 portrait happy.png
Do you have a preference for our date?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Doc12 portrait confused.png
We barely know one another so...
Doc12 portrait sad.png
I am not interesting at this time.