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This page lists the dialogue lines for Jimmy.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I can't believe you are already a captain-in-training...
...you must have known from an early age exactly what you wanted to do.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Man, my back hurts...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
I wish my dad would give me a day off.
If you need anything, swing by the store. We probably have it.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Do you ever feel like everyone in the universe is just moving forward except you?
I got a small camera on my eighth birthday and loved to snap pictures with it until it eventually broke.
I should see if I still have it somewhere in storage.


I prefer to both play and watch team sports.
If everyone does their job right it can be a lot of fun to be part of.
Jimmy portrait angry.png
Shoot! I got another hangnail...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Don't you hate those... *bites at his nails*
It's not my favorite thing to do, but with all our purchase orders I've become a wiz with spreadsheets on the consoles.
I like hanging out in Chip's Canteen after work.
It has a great vibe after hours if you ever want to join us.
Edward is designing an inventory bot to help me log and put away new shipments.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I can't wait... It's like I'm getting the pet I always wanted.


Jimmy portrait sad.png
I love to go hiking, but we're always so busy we don't really have time to take vacations.
But I'd be plenty happy just helping you explore the planets we visit.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Doc12 is really nice, but she can be kind of harsh sometimes don't you think?
Jimmy portrait sad.png
I have to try not to take it personally I guess.
I like to collect old nature magazines and just cut out all the amazing pictures.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
Some of the worlds out there are truly incredible!
Oh hey, Captain.
Shinji is going to show Steven and I his space racer later.
I guess it's cool, but I kind of feel obligated to go more than I'm actually interested.
If I get everything done early today, I'm going to fix up my old camera.
My dad seemed kind of supportive when I told him about it.

Good Friend

I think my best feature is my green eyes.
My dad says I get them from my mom...
Every year I enter the hiking permit lottery for the Great Diamond Canyon walk.
If I ever got picked, I'd go in a heartbeat.
The permit would be good for like 12 people so perhaps you would want to go with me?
I just love eating late night snacks in bed.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
It's so relaxing after a full day.
Captain, I got some great pictures around the ship.
I still need to edit and adjust the batch, but I'll show you sometime if you're interested.
If you ever need to vent to someone I'm always around to listen.
We all need to just talk it out sometimes.

Best Friend

There are so many little things in life to appreciate if you're paying attention at the right moment.
Hey, [PLAYER].
I finally told my dad I'm not really interested in taking over the store in the future.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
He took it surprisingly well and I didn't even have to use my escape route! Haha.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Hey, [PLAYER]. Would you pose for a photoshoot sometime?
PLAYER: Just tell me when and where.

Great, I want to practice doing some portraits.
PLAYER: I'm a little camera shy.

Oh don't be, we can keep it more documentary style then.
I might test out doing some compositions of your photos against different landscapes, too.
I consider you and Steven my best friends.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
I'm kind of jealous of both your living situations...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Whatever happens, all I know is I also need to get out on my own soon.
The one thing I've always enjoyed about this ship is seeing all the new places and people.
I couldn't imagine staying in one place your entire life.


Jimmy portrait romanced.png
It feels great making this big leap. It surprisingly easy when you know what you want.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
My dad totally pulled a fast one on me and said he was going to work on our wedding day!
Jimmy portrait angry.png
I took it so seriously, but he couldn't keep a straight face for very long."
Jimmy portrait happy.png
Now I feel silly for thinking he would actually do that.
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
I'm going to put my mother's scarf in my suit pocket so a part of her is with me at the ceremony.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
You do realize that you are marrying into my family too right... my dad will be your dad.
PLAYER: No way.

OK, but don't say I didn't warn you.
PLAYER: Now that you mention it...

Jimmy portrait confused.png
OK, I'm going to pretend I didn't hear that, haha.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
This is your last chance to back out.
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
I'm almost done with my vows, but I still need CPU to proof read it for me.


This place is like my sanctuary.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I love being home.
Remind me to bring an extra key to our quarters to my dad just in case we get locked out.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
It feels great to have the time and energy to start pursuing my own dreams.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Do you ever think about where we might be in 10 years?
I'm hoping it's full of many adventures.
I'll try and keep the coffee pot full for you whenever I'm home.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Perhaps I can help out on the deck more?
I'll just poke around and see if anything needs any attention.
I might be over at Steven's later to catch up.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Jimmy portrait angry.png
What now?
Jimmy portrait confused.png
Oh, sorry I thought you were someone else.
So, you're the new captain.
Well... you don't look like the other captains, but you'll have to work as hard as me to gain everyone's trust.
I suppose you'll be heading down to the Grey Planet soon?
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Sounds kind of exciting... but I'll be stuck here if you need me.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

All set to go down and check the Grey Planet out?
Well, I'm in the Shuttle Bay a lot sending and receiving supplies for the store...
...so I'll make sure no one parks in your shuttle craft spot while you're gone.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Welcome back! Soooo... how was it down on the Grey Planet?
PLAYER: It was exciting.

I bet! You don't mind if I just live vicariously through you for a while do you?
PLAYER: Kind of boring.

Jimmy portrait sad.png
Oh no! Maybe it will get more interesting if you just keep going a little longer?

During the Help Soot mission:

Everyone is buzzing about your discovery down on the planet's surface.
Man... I wish I could've been there to meet Soot, too!

During the Crew Meeting mission:

CPU said I could take a look at the new coordinates once your meeting is over.
I was going to compare them to some of the star maps I've acquired to see if I can make any connections.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Jimmy portrait sad.png
Fuel duty huh... so boring...
Jimmy portrait angry.png
Stewart used to trick me into producing fuel for him when I was younger.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Eventually I learned space monsters were not going to take over the ship if we didn't have enough fuel at all times to get away.
Jimmy portrait sad.png
He can be such a jerk...

During the Travel Days mission:

I like traveling in space.
It gives me a chance to catch up on inventory and I always like the anticipation of what's coming next.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

I heard Frances gave you some kind of task...
She's pretty nice so I'm glad you're helping her out.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Super busy today, can't talk much.
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
We just got a new shipment of supplies from some local traders.
Already... I know. My dad is one of those up at 4AM types.
Here just take these, they fell out of the box and my dad won't notice.
Player receives
Spices.png Spices × 1

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Jimmy portrait stressed.png
I'm glad you're back, but if you're looking for advice... well...
Jimmy portrait confused.png
I don't know what I would do to help the Ocean Residents?
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
You sure do take on a lot of responsibility.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Discovering another relic piece must make you very proud.
I bet you're a rising star in Space Alliance, huh?

During the Journey Onward mission:

So looking over the new coordinates with CPU, I've determined there is definitely a chance we are headed to a warm climate.
There appears to be a very large star in the region from the scans I saw...
I'll see if I can find out anything else before we get there.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Jimmy portrait stressed.png
I'll probably still be right here when you get back from going down to the planet's surface.
But I might sneak up to the bridge and monitor the situation if I can get away.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Woah, a sandstorm down on that desert planet must have been insane, wild.
First I would have sealed all the hatches to prevent my ship from getting overloaded with dust...
Then I would have actually tried to find high ground. The densest concentration of sand gets stirred up close to the ground, so the top of a hill is less effected.
I read all about sandstorms from a travel magazine once.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

I can't believe that guy handed over one of the relic pieces! Especially after everything I heard about him.
You certainly have a way with people, Captain.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Jimmy portrait confused.png
Have you ever checked out that broken door in the engine room?
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
Stewart said it is just an old storage room we don't need, but I'm not so sure.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
I heard some strange noises coming from it.

During the The Planet Below mission:

More inventory has come in, so I'm busy getting the store stocked.
Stop by anytime, it's always nice to see you.
Oh, and have fun checking out that new planet!

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

I scraped the ice off your shuttle craft windows when you got back last time.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I know you're so busy and by helping you... I feel like I'm helping the Furballs too.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

I don't know how you pulled it off, but I think getting this relic piece is your best achievement yet.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I'm glad you are our captain.

During the End of the Road? mission:

I can't remember the last time everyone was in such a good mood.
I really believe we'll actually complete this mission soon.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

I'm so glad I caught you today...
Just wanted to say good luck on your trip to the new planet!

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Did you know we had an old ship-wrecked treasure chest in our house when I was little?
Jimmy portrait sad.png
My mom just stored old blankets in it though, so not as cool as finding actual treasure.
Maybe if you get on the pirate clan's good side, you'll get to see some actual treasure.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

So Captain, I've been secretly snapping pictures along our adventure and I think it really showcases our journey.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I think they make a good little slide show.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Jimmy portrait stressed.png
That's it huh?
Jimmy portrait stressed.png
The Space Alliance mission is kinda over now I suppose...
Jimmy portrait confused.png
I thought I would be happy to finally get back to civilization after the mission was complete. But is it weird that I want to keep going
I think I want to keep exploring the universe as long as you are leading the way, [PLAYER].
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I feel more inspired than ever. So, I say let's keep this adventure rolling. Haha.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Jimmy portrait happy.png
Wow, I can't believe you got this for me... I love it!
Woah... really? Are you sure you wanted me to have this?
Jimmy portrait happy.png
Thanks a lot! I'll get you back one day.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
This has to be in my, like, top ten favorite things of all time! You really get me, I guess.

Liked Gift

Nice, you got this all by yourself?
Well, I'm impressed.
Oh hey, thanks a lot. It's really great.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I never know what to get people, but this is a really nice gift. Thanks!
Maybe I'll copy your idea next time I want to get someone something too.

Neutral Gift

Hey thanks, it's nice to have extra stuff like this lying around in a pinch.
Thanks I can use it.
You shouldn't have... it's a nice treat for me today.

Disliked Gift

Jimmy portrait sad.png
I don't like this. I might be able to get rid of it for us though.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
*blank stare* Haha, and I thought I was bad at giving gifts. Don't feel too bad though...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
Yeah... this isn't something I wanted. Sorry you wasted your time.

Birthday Response

Jimmy portrait happy.png
Wow, you remembered my birthday!
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I can never decide on what I want for my birthday so it's always nice to see what other people come up with.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Jimmy portrait romanced.png
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
I have never felt more confident in any decision.
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
Yes, absolutely yes.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
And I promise to make you as happy as you make me.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
Now we just have to get through the wedding so we can live happily ever after.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Jimmy portrait confused.png
Oh, um, well...
Jimmy portrait confused.png
I'm just not sure about it.
Jimmy portrait confused.png
It's like I just met you.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Jimmy portrait sad.png
Woah, aren't we moving a little too fast?
Perhaps if we keep dating, we'll get to know each other better before we take the next step.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Jimmy portrait stressed.png
You are so caring...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
But between the two of us, we're both just not ready yet. You can't live with me and your place isn't big enough.
Why don't we wait a little longer until you can make room for me. Then we can see if our lives are going in the same direction.

The player can also give Jimmy an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Jimmy portrait happy.png
Wow, what a thoughtful gift.
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
It's just like the one you gave me when we got engaged.
Jimmy portrait romanced.png
I'll keep this in a special place.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Sure, I'm free, well... not really...
but I can make time.
Jimmy portrait happy.png
What kind of date did you have in mind?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Jimmy portrait romanced.png
You planned something special for me?
Jimmy portrait happy.png
I'm so excited... so what are we going to do?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Jimmy portrait confused.png
Oh wow...
Jimmy portrait sad.png
I think you're really nice, but I'm not sure if we are compatible yet...
Jimmy portrait confused.png
But let's keep talking. Maybe once we know each other a little better we could go out on a date then.