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This page lists the dialogue lines for Lauren.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I'm usually in the gym planning new workout sessions for the crew.
My work is never done!
Stewart is actually my OLDER brother.
We couldn't be more different, but he's always looking out for me, so I love the dude.
Do you have any tattoos?

Awesome, you'll have to show them to me.
PLAYER: No, I don't.

Lauren portrait angry.png
That's too bad, I think it's a great form of self-expression.
Actually, I am kind of an amateur tattoo artist.
Lauren portrait sad.png
It's always just a little too cold on this ship. Why don't we set the thermostat just a little higher?
Lauren portrait happy.png
*lip syncing while wearing headphones*
Oh, hey Captain! Sorry, this is my favorite song.


Lauren portrait sad.png
Lauren portrait sad.png
I'm so sore today...
I guess I pushed myself a little too hard in the gym yesterday.
I try to hand-make all of the birthday cards I send back home to my family.
I'm a terrible artist, but honestly... that is what makes them so charming in my opinion.
I don't think I would do well with a traditional boss...
...but you're so easy going I consider us more like friends.
If you ever want to improve your grip strength just get a stress ball.
I use mine all the time and the hours of squeezing it sure add up.
Time for a stretch break...
Lauren portrait angry.png
No seriously...
Lauren portrait happy.png
Stand up straight, reach up, and slowly bend down to touch your toes.
Feels good, doesn't it?


When I was a kid my grandma taught me how to salsa dance and I love doing it.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I know what you're thinking, and yes, she made Stewart dance too. *giggles*
Lauren portrait stressed.png
Sorry our quarters are more like a fortress sometimes.
Once I put gum on the camera lens just to watch my brother freak out.
I don't think music can ever be too loud, but CPU has capped my audio output levels in the gym.
Lauren portrait angry.png
Maybe you could talk to him about loosening up a bit.
Jimmy is probably the most sheltered person I've ever met.
It's almost too easy to get him riled up, so I just mess with him a little.
I've competed a few times in rock climbing events, but I think I just prefer to compete against my own limits.

Good Friend

I would love to foster lost space pets one day.
Maybe if I take a post on a space station it would be a little more manageable.
Did you know you can make killer smoothies by using homemade plant milk?
It takes a little more effort but it's soooo worth it.
Back at our family home we used to climb this big willow tree and make swings from its branches.
I usually climbed the highest, so my love of climbing was always with me.
Whew... just finished up my workout logs.
I find that keeping a log for every crew member makes it easier for me to track their progress.
I like to set my alarm to heavy metal music in the morning, but it really irritates Stewart.
Lauren portrait angry.png
But he uses the basic beeping tone for his alarm which is more annoying in my opinion.

Best Friend

Captain, you are looking super fit these days.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I, of course, am going to take all the credit for your success, haha.
I keep telling everyone that a spaceboard park would really liven up the place.
At least think about it.
Lauren portrait sad.png
I really should visit my family more. It's hard being so far away sometimes.
We're actually really close, I tell my mom everything.
Lauren portrait confused.png
I don't really know what I will do in the future.
I'm just focused on having fun today and will worry about tomorrow later.
Lauren portrait stressed.png
Chip calls me the take-out queen because I can't remember the last time I cooked anything.
Whoever I marry hopefully has at least basic cooking skills or we might starve.


Lauren portrait confused.png
Frilly white dresses and bowties?
Lauren portrait happy.png
We'll have to find a way to make this ceremony more us!
For the wedding, I think we should have a giant buffet of great food and everyone can just help themselves.
My brother wants to give me away.
Lauren portrait confused.png
I promise to make it up to you if he does anything embarrassing.
Lauren portrait stressed.png
So I lost the ring you gave me...
Lauren portrait stressed.png
Lauren portrait happy.png
..just kidding... got you. Haha, you should have seen your face!
Hey, would you take some dancing lessons before our wedding?
PLAYER: Sure, I would.

Lauren portrait romanced.png
Perfect! And don't worry I'll be leading you even if you don't remember the steps!

Lauren portrait romanced.png
Well... better be prepared because I'm making you dance either way!


Lauren portrait sad.png
So I tried to cook for you...
Lauren portrait stressed.png
...but it didn't go well.
So maybe we just stick to the canteen?
Lauren portrait confused.png
I keep losing my headphones have you seen them?
My brother is coming around to this marriage idea.
Lauren portrait happy.png
But I think you'll always have an uphill battle with that one.
One of these days we'll have to make a special trip to visit my extended family.
I really have grown fond of this Captain's Deck.
Some mornings before you wake up, I just run around here as my warm up routine.
Lauren portrait romanced.png
I just love you so much I want to bite you sometimes.
Remember to take your nutritional supplements.
I'll try to leave them out for you.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hi there! I'm so happy we finally have a new captain.
I'm Lauren and I help keep people in shape around here.
Rock climbing, weights, yoga, a little bit of everything for everyone.
Lauren portrait sad.png
We used to have some cool programs in the Holo-Sim too, but that broke a long time ago.
Actually it's been a while since anyone has really bothered fixing anything up around here.
Lauren portrait angry.png
Sometimes my brother struts around and acts like he's the captain, but you seem more capable.
Lauren portrait stressed.png
Oh... my brother? Yeah, good luck with him.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Lauren portrait confused.png
I offered to help Kaida down on the Grey Planet with her research, but she said there's not much to see down there.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Awwww, what a little cutie you found down there.
Well... Obviously, we have to help him in any way we can.
Lauren portrait confused.png
What are you waiting for?... Hurry up and find Kaida so you guys can make a plan or something...

During the Help Soot mission:

Make sure you do some stretching before hiking any major dust mounds on that Grey Planet.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Lauren portrait happy.png
Yes Captainnnn! I'm so pumped you found a missing piece of that Relic.
Let's get this boat moving! I'm so ready for a change in scenery.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Lauren portrait stressed.png
Sorry if my brother is bothering you...
If it makes you feel any better, I think he really got a kick out of bossing you around. You probably even gained some points in his book.

During the Travel Days mission:

Lauren portrait confused.png
I wonder if we'll be able to do some exterior routines at our next stop.
I try to incorporate outdoor activities when I can. It's nice to get outside sometimes.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

You never know... but I'd be surprised if you didn't find any microbes in the gym...
Just saying...

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

I programmed some of my favorite music into your shuttle craft.
Lauren portrait happy.png
It should get you pumped up for adventure.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

If you need any help with that landsick cure, I swear my mom makes a tonic that will cure anything.
It's an old family recipe... I should give her a call and see if she can send some to me.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Lauren portrait sad.png
Running on the treadmill while we're in transit seems to make me a little motion sick too.
Lauren portrait confused.png
Perhaps I'll incorporate some ginger into my diet.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Oh, this...
Lauren.png's just a scratch...
I was testing out a magic trick the other day and I lost my grip on the knife.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I suppose I shouldn't practice with real knives yet... but I'm not deterred!

During the Discover a New World mission:

must be excited to head down to the new planet...
Lauren portrait angry.png
It was no secret when we arrived. CPU isn't that graceful getting the ship into orbit.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Let me know if there is anything I can do to help you with your mission.
Maybe I could help unbury that crab's ship if everyone took turns digging in the sand instead of doing their daily workout.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Hey, I saw my brother stash this in his trunk, but I think you could use it.
Just don't tell him you got it from me if he asks, OK?
Player receives
Dark matter fuel.png Dark matter fuel × 5

During the New Coordinates mission:

Make sure you always use the right equipment when working out or just while at work in general.
A great running shoe or boot can make all the difference in your alignment.

During the The Planet Below mission:

I promised to help Stewart with a routine check on the engines now that we've arrived at a new location.
It should be fun to watch him at work and I love trying new things.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Captain, I might have some old blankets I don't need any more that we could donate to the Furballs.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I'll see if my mom can send them snail mail to this region.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Captain! A couple of us are thinking about getting a tattoo series of every relic piece we find...
PLAYER: I'm in!

Lauren portrait happy.png
I knew you'd say yes. I'll start working on the design for it now!
PLAYER: Maybe next time.

Lauren portrait angry.png
Awwwww, come on, come on, come on. Don't you cave into peer pressure?
Lauren portrait confused.png
What do you say?

During the End of the Road? mission:

Lauren portrait confused.png
I wonder what Chip is serving today in the restaurant?
It's always a lot more fun when we get to a new location.
His culinary skills really shine when he has access to fresh ingredients.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Lauren portrait confused.png
Don't you think the stars are extra bright in this part of space?
Lauren portrait happy.png
Everything just feels so vibrant!

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Lauren portrait stressed.png
This whole pirate thing seems like we just need to foster open communication between all parties.
That's how we do it in my family. All the parties sit at the dinner table and hash it out before they can leave.
Lauren portrait angry.png
No matter how stubborn you are... after 24 hours... everyone starts to give a little.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Lauren portrait happy.png
Captain, way to go...
You set your sights on a goal and you're on your way to accomplishing it.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Congratulations, $playerName! Gold medals, awards, and crowds. They will be singing our praise back at Space Alliance with the news of our mission's success.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I'm glad I could be a part of the team, if even in a small way. *tight hug*

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Generic Lines

Loved Gift

Lauren portrait happy.png
Awesome! You're the best. *punches you in the shoulder*
Lauren portrait happy.png
What?! What a surprise. This is totally right up my alley.
Lauren portrait happy.png
Sooooo coool! This is like the best gift I have gotten in a really long time.
Did I ever tell you about the year I got my first spaceboard? It's like on par with that gift.

Liked Gift

Hey what a nice surprise. I'm down with this.
Yeah, yeah, you are getting on my good side with this but don't get too cocky.
Lauren portrait happy.png
I really like this and I can be kind of picky too... so good job.

Neutral Gift

Nice, I'll take it, thanks.
Haha, you and Stewart must be in the same kind of club. He gets me this kind of stuff a lot too.
Hey thanks, it's nice to be thought of.

Disliked Gift

Lauren portrait sad.png
Seriously? But I don't really like this. I hope you didn't spend a lot on it.
Lauren portrait angry.png
I don't really have a use for something like this... plus it's boring.
Lauren portrait stressed.png
Wha-wha... you got me good with this gift.
Lauren portrait confused.png
I totally thought you were serious for a minute.

Birthday Response

Lauren portrait happy.png
Yes, it IS my birthday! Way to be a superstar, $playerName.
I just want to see if I can get Chip to make me some of my favorite food and eat and drink myself silly today.
Everyone should indulge on their birthday, don't you think?

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Lauren portrait happy.png
SHUT UP! *punches you in arm*
Lauren portrait romanced.png
Are you for real?
I had no idea you were planning this... well maybe I hoped... but you are so surprising.
Lauren portrait romanced.png
And I love you so much...
Lauren portrait romanced.png
Of course I'll marry you!!

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Lauren portrait confused.png
Oh... it's not you.
Lauren portrait confused.png
I just don't think I'm ready for marriage yet.
Lauren portrait confused.png
Plus we don't know each other that well. I think you have to be able to really get on one each other's nerves and still be best friends afterwards.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Lauren portrait stressed.png
It's not you, I just am not sure if I ever want to get married.
Lauren portrait stressed.png
I am kind of a tough person to love, so tell you what...
Let's keep dating a little longer and I'll give you some extra points in my journal.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Lauren portrait stressed.png
Eh, it sounds great, but what would we do...
Lauren portrait stressed.png
...move in with my brother? Yikes, I think we better save to upgrade your house.
Lauren portrait confused.png
Maybe things will work out when we're ready to move in together.

The player can also give Lauren an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Lauren portrait happy.png
WOW... THANKS! *awkward shift*
Lauren portrait stressed.png
OK, don't be mad... but I kind of sneaked a peak at this already... so I ruined the surprise.
But seriously, I really do love it. You are so thoughtful.
Lauren portrait romanced.png
You just married a troublemaker. But you knew that when you married me so that's on you. *winks*

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Lauren portrait happy.png
Yay, I was hoping you would get enough courage to ask me!
Lauren portrait happy.png
Let's go, let's go, let's go.
Lauren portrait confused.png
Wait, where are we going?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Lauren portrait happy.png
Yesssssss... I so want to shake things up.
Day to day life can get so boring without some fun things to look forward to.
Do you have something planned or are we winging it?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Lauren portrait confused.png
You're cute and all, but it's kind of weird right now.
Lauren portrait confused.png
I think we should at least be friends before we start dating.