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This page lists the dialogue lines for Lin.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




Plants are a vital part of a closed system like the one we have on this ship.
And it helps ground us back to nature too.
I always like to talk to my plants when I get bored.
Lin portrait happy.png
But until I met Pilot and Sprout, the plants I've talked to never talked back!
Lin portrait sad.png
I don't really like servicing the solar panels when they act up.
Lin portrait angry.png
But asking Stewart for a favor is just as unpleasant, so I usually just tough it out and fix them myself.
The seed options we have are primarily based on the region of space we are in.
Lin portrait stressed.png
When we are orbiting a planet with little resources, people tend to get a little bored with their food options.
I'm teaching I-1900 more about botany and in return she is teaching me how to knit.


Humans consume 3-5 pounds of food per day, but many species eat far less and get their energy from other sources like sunlight or geothermal energy.
My family has been reporting records amount of rain back home at my family's farm.
I know a lot of rain can cause problems... but it sure would be nice to not have to water my plants for a few days.
Captain, when visiting new places, first check if the atmosphere is safe.
If so, kick off your boots and bury your bare feet in the soil.
Lin portrait happy.png
I don't know why it works, but it does!
Lin portrait sad.png
My hands are always so dry from working in the dirt. I feel like an alligator.
Captain, did you know some fruits contain a lot of air inside of them?
For example, apples are 25% air which is why they float in water.


Lin portrait confused.png
Do you think Pilot and Sprout like me?
Lin portrait stressed.png
Sometimes I feel like I say the stupidest things around them to try and impress them.
Lin portrait confused.png
Fiji is so pretty don't you think?
She always stands out in a crowd.
Lin portrait happy.png
Wouldn't it be wild if I dyed my hair green or something... but I'd probably chicken out.
Lin portrait confused.png
I don't know how people can learn anything from reading a book.
I have to watch someone and then get my hands dirty myself.
Everyone tells me I should start selling my special soil mixtures but they're not really that special.
Lin portrait confused.png
It does make me curious about how someone might start a business though.
Oh hey, Captain...
PLAYER: Um, you got a little...

Lin portrait stressed.png
*blushes* Oh really, I'm always such a mess...
PLAYER: *ignore it* Hey, how you doing?

Lin portrait happy.png
*excited* Great! I'm so glad I ran into you.
I just finished potting the latest batch of hybrid seeds so cross your fingers for me.

Good Friend

Sometimes I miss the sounds of life on a planet.
When you work outside, it can be quite peaceful to hear the different creatures around you.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Sometimes I get a little self-conscious in group settings.
Lin portrait stressed.png
I don't really like to compete for attention...
Lin portrait happy.png
That's why I appreciate you talking to me one-on-one like this.
It's kind of exciting to put on a spacesuit and wander around on the outer hull, don't you think?
Lin portrait happy.png
It just hits me sometimes how impressive space really is...
I-1900's' knitting lessons are going really well... I think I'm even starting to feel comfortable doing it on my own.
It has given me the confidence to patch up some of my favorite work clothes too.
Did you know some spices are more valuable than precious metals like silver and gold?
Lin portrait happy.png
Plants sure are amazing.

Best Friend

I like that sometimes we can just not talk about anything and it's not awkward.
When I was a kid there weren't a lot of other kids around so I had an ant farm to keep me busy.
They were great little friends, kind of like you.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Not that you're like an ant, I mean...
Lin.png're better than an ant of course.
Can you guess what my favorite type of plant to grow is?
PLAYER: Pumpkins

Lin portrait happy.png
Yep, my family has been growing pumpkins for generations... it's kind of our signature.
PLAYER: Blueberries

Lin portrait confused.png
Well, I was going to say pumpkins... but now that you said blueberries, maybe I do like them more? Now I need to rethink this...
Guess what?! Sprout said next time we are in orbit around their home world, I'll get to take a tour!
I'm going to need more storage containers to collect samples.
I make a great bloody mary mix from fresh tomatoes.
Lin portrait happy.png
I call it Snappy Mary since it was my mother's recipe.


Lin portrait romanced.png
Lin portrait romanced.png
Hey you...
Lin portrait romanced.png
I'm getting so nervous for the big day, but seeing you makes me feel better.
I'm mixing up a batch of essential oils from some of my favorite flowers.
Lin portrait romanced.png
I hope our whole wedding will smell like wild flowers.
Lin portrait happy.png
Just like back home...
Don't take this the wrong way, but moving up to the Captain's Deck will give me even more room for my plants!
Lin portrait stressed.png
Uhh, sorry, it sounded even worse saying it out loud.
Lin portrait stressed.png
I hope you'll do most of the talking at the wedding, you know me and crowds...
Lin portrait confused.png
Do you think we could ask Jimmy to take some engagement photos for us?
Lin portrait romanced.png
I'd love to have some in black and white to show our grandkids one day too.


Lin portrait romanced.png
Sometimes I like watching you sleep.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Oh, but don't worry, it's not in a creepy way or anything.
Hope you don't mind, but I'm going to start a compost around here somewhere.
We are a perfect duo, like two peas in a pod.
Lin portrait happy.png
You make me so Hap-pea!
Lin portrait stressed.png
Sorry about all that dirt I tracked in here...
I will clean it up when I get a free moment.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Oh gosh... don't sneak up on me so quietly.
Things sure were boring around here before you got arrived, or maybe I just like all the extra attention you give me.
I made some special tea blends with a kick of caffeine in case you have any late nights coming up.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hi, Captain.
Being the botanist aboard a starship means doing a lot more than just research.
So I'll be helping to produce food resources for the ship throughout the journey.
Even planets like the Grey Planet can provide valuable resources we need to grow crops...
Lin.png don't discount the items you find down there just yet.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

The conditions on the Grey Planet don't seem to support much plant life.
Lin portrait confused.png
But the soil is rich in nutrients so it's very puzzling to me.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

While you're exploring the Grey Planet, you might dig up some grey radishes from time to time." I ran some tests on them so don't worry, they're not poisonous.
But they do taste kind of disgusting.

During the Help Soot mission:

Lin portrait stressed.png
Captain, I know you have everything covered, but I just can't stand here and do nothing for that poor little alien.
I'll plant some extra crops right now in case you have any trouble with yours.
I just want to be helpful.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Lin portrait sad.png
CPU kicked me off the bridge because he said he has to prepare for some kind of special meeting.
Lin portrait confused.png
I'm so confused, he can't do that right?

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Don't forget about your farming duties even though you have to start producing other items as well.
Not only can you eat, sell, or give away your crops, but they are more fun to produce than anything else.

During the Travel Days mission:

Lin portrait angry.png
I find I have to clean my solar panels more often when we're in flight.
Lin portrait sad.png
Space debris really sticks to the glass.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Hey, Captain... um... just so you know... there are microbes out there that are super useful for farming.
So keep an eye out for anything that might benefit your plants!

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

My inbox has been going nuts ever since we arrived.
Lin portrait happy.png
I guess I have to go check out these new seeds Robert is offering too.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Everyone you met down on the Blue Reef Planet sure seemed nice.
Growing ginger and water plants can be tricky, so it's no wonder they need some assistance from us.
I'm going to do my best to help too.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Lin portrait sad.png
I'm kind of sad...
Lin portrait sad.png
My plants really perked up with the natural water source from the Blue Reef. But we have to move on I guess...
Lin portrait stressed.png
Oh, I'm sooo sorry! I should have congratulated you on getting another Relic Piece instead of whining about my plants.
Lin portrait stressed.png
I hope you'll forgive me.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Lin portrait stressed.png
You don't think we will run into any trouble while we're traveling, do you?
PLAYER: No, why would you think that?

Lin portrait stressed.png
Well, this ship is not in the best shape of its life, if you know what I mean...?
PLAYER: Maybe, space is kind of unpredictable.

Lin portrait stressed.png
It's not space I'm afraid of, but this ship falling apart mid-flight.
But I guess I should stop being a worry wart.

During the Discover a New World mission:

See you when you get back from checking out the new planet...
I'm very busy today too!

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Lin portrait confused.png
Captain, I heard a giant vicious crab attacked you on the surface, is that true?
PLAYER: What! He was just a normal friendly crab.

Lin portrait sad.png
Oh whew... I guess that's what I get for listening to the kids.
PLAYER: Totally, I'm so tough...

Lin portrait angry.png
Really?! You look perfectly fine to me... you better not be messing with me.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Lin portrait confused.png
Captain, I know we have to move on... but... really?
Only having access to the same old boring stock seeds again feels like farming torture.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Captain, sometimes when we are in orbit around the Grey Planet, I see little Soot staring out the window at the surface.
It's like he's waiting for something, but I can't put my finger on it.
He must be deeply connected to that planet somehow.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Oh, when you go down to the planet's surface, remember to keep an eye out for any unusual flora or fauna.
Plants have so many benefits, new species are always worth looking into.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

I don't tell many people this but...
Lin portrait stressed.png
When I was a young cadet, I crashed my shuttlecraft once too.
Lin portrait stressed.png
I barely passed my exam and still to this day I hate driving those things.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Lin portrait happy.png
Ah ha! I knew we'd be moving along at some point so this time I planned ahead and stocked up on some ice plant seeds.
Here... I'll share my bounty with you.
Player receives
Ice mixed seeds.png Ice mixed seeds × 2
I hope you enjoy them.

During the End of the Road? mission:

I wonder what kind of wonderful place we're headed next...

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Lin portrait confused.png
Aren't you nervous going down to the planet's surface, not knowing what you will find?

Lin portrait stressed.png
I'm a nervous wreck just watching you do it.

Lin portrait confused.png
Are you lying? No?
Well, I'm just glad you are in charge of this mission and not me.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Lin portrait stressed.png
That Bonny Red is so intimidating.
Lin portrait stressed.png
I just hate confrontations and always freeze up like a statue.
Anyways, I know you need some more information about growing radiated crops.
I have the details ready at my place, so I'll meet you there when you're ready.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

[PLAYER], great job on winning over the pirate clan!
Lin portrait happy.png
I know with that work ethic, there is no limit to your potential.

During the Master Explorer mission:

Oh, Captain. What a beautiful planet the Grey Planet has transformed into.
Lin portrait happy.png
All of our hard work has paid off. I am just overjoyed with the outcome of the mission.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Generic Lines

Loved Gift

Lin portrait happy.png
Captain, I'm not used to getting such a great gift. I feel so spoiled.
Lin portrait happy.png
Oh wow... *blushes*... oh wow.
Lin portrait happy.png
Thank you so much.
Lin portrait confused.png
Are you sure you didn't mean to give this to someone else?
Lin portrait happy.png
It's just so perfect, I love it.

Liked Gift

Lin portrait happy.png
Wow. This is unexpected. Thank you so much!
Lin portrait happy.png
This is great, I hope you didn't go to too much trouble to get this for me.
Lin portrait happy.png
You are so thoughtful. I will get something for you too, soon.

Neutral Gift

Thanks. I think I can use this for sure.
Oh thanks, Captain. I will put it to good use.
It's always so nice of you to bring me these kinds of little things.

Disliked Gift

Lin portrait confused.png
Oh. Was this meant for me?
Lin portrait sad.png
I'm not sure what I'll use it for really. But thanks just the same.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Ugh, I know it sounds silly, but this kind of thing gives me nightmares sometimes.
Lin portrait angry.png
My mother always said, 'If you don't have anything nice to say, you shouldn't say anything at all.' So, umm...

Birthday Response

If the player gives Lin a gift on her birthday, they will get a unique birthday response. Lin's birthday is the Q01-17.

Lin portrait happy.png
Oh, you remembered my birthday?... *blushes*
I usually don't make a big deal about it...
Lin portrait happy.png
...but it is nice to feel special.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Lin portrait confused.png
Lin portrait happy.png
...I just need a moment...
Lin portrait stressed.png
I mean are you sure? I mean, I'm sure... but are you sure? I mean sure?!
Lin portrait romanced.png
What's wrong with me? I really mean of course! Yes! Yes!
Lin portrait romanced.png
I don't think I've even been so tongue tied before. But so happy too.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Lin portrait confused.png
Oh, hey, um, I think I forgot something back home...
Lin portrait confused.png I better get going.
Lin portrait confused.png
It is a pretty ring though, I hope one day my partner will give me a ring like that.
Lin portrait confused.png
Talk to you later.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Lin portrait confused.png
*turns bright red*
Lin portrait stressed.png
Call me old fashioned, but we just haven't gone out on enough dates for me to accept right now.
Lin portrait stressed.png
But don't feel bad... it's a really nice gesture!

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Lin portrait confused.png
Lin portrait confused.png
I don't think I could marry you until you had enough room for me in your house at least.
Lin portrait stressed.png
Oh sorry, that came out wrong. I really do like you but is it practical?
Lin portrait stressed.png
Don't worry though, I'm just going to pretend this didn't happen.

The player can also give Lin an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Lin portrait happy.png
Is it a special occasion or something?
Lin portrait romanced.png
You really don't have to spoil me so much you know.
Lin portrait romanced.png
But I do cherish everything you do for me.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Lin portrait happy.png
I was kind of hoping you would ask me.
Do you have something planned?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Lin portrait confused.png
For me!?
Lin portrait happy.png
You are always so thoughtful thinking of me.
Where are we off to?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Lin portrait confused.png
That's sweet...
Lin portrait stressed.png
But I have to be friends with someone before we start dating.
That was how my parents got together and they had the best relationship I've ever seen.