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This page lists the dialogue lines for Max.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.


*his recharge symbol is glowing*


Max portrait confused.png
Why do humans like to gossip?
Max portrait confused.png
I will never understand the appeal.
A good education is the path to a successful future for all living things.
Every morning I spend approximately 10.5 minutes ironing my clothes.
Perception can affect the degree of confidence or comfort others have around you.
Everything in my apartment has an exact place where it is stored.
Max portrait sad.png
When items are misplaced, I experience a very unpleasant reaction.
In my spare time, I enjoy watching funny cat videos.
They have interesting techniques to engage and increase the amount of attention they receive.
I am going to download more information on becoming a pet owner.


It is important to keep my schedule completely on track every day.
I allocate 34 minutes for unexpected tasks or socialization with other crew members.
When teaching I try to incorporate hands-on learning into my lesson plans.
Practicing useful skills is just as important as data input.
I am programmed to recharge at a specific time every night, but there is an override function I can activate for special occasions.
It is necessary to play games, solve puzzles, and exercise your brain.
There is always more we are learning about human biology and brain function.
I use a special made robotic oil in my hair to help keep it stylish and improve my mechanical performance.


I am practicing to beat the universal record for solving a Rubik cube set by a robot at 0.38 seconds.
My best so far was 0.45 seconds so I still have some practicing to do.
In order to extend my warranty, I follow the recommended weekly maintenance for my model by its exact specifications.
I guess it would be similar to why you might go to a gymnasium.
In one of my fashion magazines I took a quiz about my relationship compatibility.
Max portrait stressed.png
I scored 25 out of 100 points which is not a very good score.
Max portrait confused.png
After breaking down the flaws in their scoring system, I do not see how this quiz could ever result in any useful analyzes of my compatibility.
But, I scored a perfect 100 on my second attempt anyways.
My proximity sensors have indicated that I have been spending more time with some specific crew personnel more than others.
Subconsciously I have become more interested in being around these individuals.
After analysis, I believe these may be friendships I am developing.
Even though I can download any book into my memory bank...
...sometimes I just prefer to read a physical book instead to enjoy the experience more.

Good Friend

I always download the latest sensory updates for my model.
Max portrait happy.png
Since my senses are simulations, the more advanced my programming, the more realistic my senses become.
All of my wardrobes are color coordinated and organized by seasonal fashion trends.
It is not part of my programming, I just prefer to look stylish.
Creating jingles and melodies help the children learn new facts in class.
Singing has been scientifically proven to help humans retrieve and store memories.
I have considered acquiring a robot to help keep my residence hygienic.
Max portrait stressed.png
However, I cannot help but feel guilt hiring a robot to do my housework.
Sometimes I find the strangest things in my students' desks...
Max portrait confused.png
Have you ever heard of something called a cootie catcher?
Max portrait confused.png
For some reason the children believe it can predict their fortunes.

Best Friend

I participate in live action role playing with Stewart once a month. Or 'LARPing' as most people call it.
Max portrait happy.png
I am a Mage class that specializes in white magic spells.
Stewart is a Barbarian so our styles complement each other well.
Our team would benefit from a ranged archer or stealth ninja if you would ever like to join.
I am encouraging Shinji to continue his interest in educational instruction.
His teaching methods are unconventional, but he does seem to connect with the children very well.
I have been studying what it means to be a good companion partner.
Max portrait confused.png
I think I have the essential skills and a suitable appearance to attract a partner.
I have a 100% graduation rate in my class, which I am very proud of.
Max portrait happy.png
Perhaps it is because of my charming personality.
Max portrait confused.png
That was sarcasm. How was the timing? I have been practicing.
I have noticed facial accessories like glasses can improve the perception of intelligence.
Even though they serve no logical reason I might get a pair of empty frames.


Do not concern yourself, I will be activating sleep mode early on the night before our wedding.
The children have been crafting a guide to marriage during their play time.
Max portrait confused.png
However, their marriage advice does not correlate with the research I have done.
I will be using my living quarters as a study after I vacate.
Max portrait romanced.png
But I will miss you when I am there.
Max portrait confused.png
Is it necessary to participate in pre-wedding rituals?
Max portrait romanced.png
I prefer to have my wedding band bolted to my finger if that is acceptable to you.


Even though our existence together may in fact be limited, I pledge to love you for eternity.
I will clean our residence the first and fourth cycle of the week.
Max portrait stressed.png
Lingering dust can cause my systems to malfunction.
I am programmed to detect unhealthy human patterns and will alert you if any become relevant.
Max portrait romanced.png
01001001 00100000 01101100 01101111 01110110 01100101 00100000 01111001 01101111 01110101 00101110
We have a secure attachment pattern.
My confidence and self-possession has increased and I find interacting with others easier.
I hope I am meeting your attachment needs as well.
I took the initiative to alphabetize all of our books, ingredients, and miscellaneous objects in our residence.
Max portrait happy.png
I hope these efforts make you happy.
I will need to take time today to purge unnecessary data accumulation and register for the latest upgrade.
And I want you to take time for yourself too.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Well hello, $playerName. It is lovely to make your acquaintance.
I am Mechanical Android Number 10, but everyone calls me M.A.X.
I am also the designated educational instructor and run our school program.
I am not directly involved in your primary mission, but I can be a useful source of statistical and analytical data.
You can stop by the classroom if you would like to learn something.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Max portrait confused.png
It is unlikely that you will find much on the surface of the Grey Planet that has not already been observed by CPU or Kaida.
But another perspective could not hurt either.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Max portrait confused.png
Did you know the children have been spreading rumors about ghosts on the ship?
There is always a logical explanation for everything, so I told them they are misunderstanding the facts.
Max portrait sad.png
But there seems to be no changing their minds on this one.

During the Help Soot mission:

Captain, I do not mean to be to forward but... I am detecting an increase in your perspiration today.
Max portrait stressed.png
I hope it is not stress causing this bodily function.
Just take each task one at a time and know that I have the utmost confidence in you.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

This meeting you have scheduled will be a great teaching example for the children on either how-to or how-not-to display leadership...
Max portrait confused.png
...depending on the outcome of course.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

It is only logical that we need fuel to power the propulsion of the ship.
I am not sure if there is really anything else to comment on.

During the Travel Days mission:

This ship usually travels at 60% of its speed capacity.
I have a built-in speedometer and navigational unit just in case anything ever malfunctioned on the bridge.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

Since everyone on the ship is discussing the topic of microorganisms, I should mention that even part of my mechanical composition requires microorganisms to function properly.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Although my hardware can withstand most atmospheric compositions, I do not seem to enjoy exploration.
You would refer to me as a 'home body'.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

I ran an analysis of the recent events taking place in the Blue Reef Kingdom against the priority of our mission.
I have concluded that our ethical responsibility to assist King Tide outweighs our priority to Space Alliance.
I am glad we came to the same conclusion, Captain.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Captain, since you have returned with the Relic Piece...
The children have requested you as the subject of their next report.
Max portrait happy.png
I think you have made quite an impression on them already.

During the Journey Onward mission:

It seems fairly obvious that there is an emerging pattern to the Relic and it's missing pieces.
Max portrait confused.png
However, biological beings tend to not replicate behavior or make the most logical choices when making decisions.
So I have learned to not make conclusions too quickly.

During the Discover a New World mission:

If you are efficient with your day, you should be able to complete a surface landing on the new planet and file a full report within a few hours.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Max portrait confused.png
Do you think the alien you encountered on the desert planet requires any reading materials or technical manuals?
PLAYER: I don't think so.

Very well. Please do not hesitate to contact me again if circumstances change.
PLAYER: Maybe?

Understood, I will compile any relevant data associated with sand storms, sand damage, sand uses, sand hobbies, sand repairs, construction in sand environments, beacons, SOS, flares... *continues on and on*

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Max portrait happy.png
Congratulations on accomplishing your goal of locating and acquiring another relic piece.
Based on your performance, the probability of you completing our mission has increased significantly.
My students provide these to me to show their satisfaction with my performance, so this is my gift to you.
Player receives
Atom apple.png Atom apple × 1

During the New Coordinates mission:

I have assigned the children to make a diorama of one of the planets we have visited.
Or they can choose to create a destination we have yet to discover.
But whichever they choose, they must also provide a full analysis of its climate and atmospheric composition.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Your first priority should be to make a detailed checklist of your tasks before you head down to the new planet's surface.
Organization is the key to optimization.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Max portrait confused.png
I do not understand why a species like the Furballs would live in a climate that is not suitable for their biology.
Max portrait confused.png
Preparing shelter, clothing, and fire everyday seems like a drain on one's energy.
The logical choice would be to live only in climate controllable environments.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Max portrait stressed.png
Captain, that relic piece must be treated with tremendous care in the future.
Max portrait stressed.png
Not all things can be repaired indefinitely.

During the End of the Road? mission:

The class is always less focused when we are on our way to another destination.I will have to turn up the brightness in the classroom to get the kids to stay attentive.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Based on your previous records to date, you have favorable odds in finding the next relic piece.
But nothing in the universe is certain... Or if it is... we have not discovered all the equations necessary to predict the future.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

I will leave the negotiations with the pirate clan to you, Captain.
Max portrait sad.png
But... I will say... when my students are being bullied, sometimes I advise them to be confident and speak their minds.
Most bullies will back down if you can show confidence in yourself.

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

The Relic was clearly designed with not only form, but function as well.
The thought of uncovering its fully intended purpose does create a positive response in my circuitry.

During the Master Explorer mission:

My compliments to you, on discovering this time portal and relinking its population to our present.
Max portrait happy.png
With our limited knowledge of time travel there was almost a zero percent chance at this outcome.
The data that can be acquired here will be groundbreaking in the scientific community.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Max portrait happy.png
This one of those rare exceptional items because it is very practical and also very appealing. Thank you, $playerName.
Max portrait happy.png
Wonderful! Thank you. You have reached the highest level of gratitude in my coroutine with this item.
Max portrait happy.png
How did you know I would love this item?
I adapted this particular preference after my construction, so it is not even listed in my manual!

Liked Gift

Oh my. Thank you, $playerName. I have been programmed to really enjoy this.
Oh. This is a kind and highly rated gift you have brought to share with me. *green light flashes*
My sincerest appreciation to you for this thoughtful and enjoyable gift.

Neutral Gift

I am feeling a positive human response to this item. Thank you.
What a nice surprise. Continue to keep up the good effort.
I appreciate the sentiment and consideration it must have taken to bring this item to me.

Disliked Gift

Max portrait angry.png
This is not something I like. The item seems to have no function for me.
Max portrait sad.png
Item received and sadly noted.
Max portrait sad.png
You may want to try and make a better impression in the future.
Max portrait confused.png
Perhaps there is something I have not learned about proper gift etiquette.
Max portrait sad.png
Because this gift would lead me to the conclusion that you do not like me very much.

Birthday Response

A birthday gift for me?
A gift is not always expected in celebration of one's manufacturing date, you know.
But I greatly appreciate the significance of this gesture.
Max portrait happy.png
I am also flattered to receive your admiration above all. Thank you, $playerName.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Max portrait happy.png
Oh my!
I have been compiling our relevant data for some time now actually and...
Max portrait romanced.png are also my preference for love.
We share many similar traits and I feel a strong emotional connection to your existence.
So I do not see any reason why we should not be partners in marriage.
Max portrait romanced.png
I love you.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Max portrait confused.png
Max portrait sad.png
This symbolic gesture is only meant for two beings in which love is a common emotion.
Max portrait confused.png
We do not share this emotional connection at this time, so this gesture is in error.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Max portrait confused.png
Max portrait sad.png
We have not met the minimum requirement of dates for this engagement to be accepted.
Dating will allow me to acquire the necessary information to make the final computation.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Max portrait confused.png
Max portrait sad.png
Insufficient space in your living quarters has ceased any further progression of this relationship.
I would be happy to reconsider your request when a suitable residence has been obtained.

The player can also give Max an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

I understand this to more of a symbolic gesture than an actual re-proposal.
These kinds of gestures help me learn more about how to become a better partner to you as well in the future.
Max portrait romanced.png
Thank you for continuing to help me grow and become a better companion.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Max portrait happy.png
Compatibility score above average. Your date invitation has been accepted.
I am looking forward to this romantic encounter.
Have you selected a location for this occasion?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Max portrait happy.png
I am pleased you have made this offer and would be delighted to join you.
Let me clear my calendar for the next few hours to accommodate. *blinks* Ready!
Ready to select a date?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Max portrait sad.png
Our compatibility score is not high enough yet to consider your offer.
Max portrait confused.png
Perhaps once more data is collected the formula can be recalculated.
Until then, let us work on becoming better friends.