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This page lists the dialogue lines for Steven.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




If you have any spare parts, I'll take them off your hands for one of my art installations.
Just stop by the machine shop, I'm usually there.
A couple of years ago, I converted the storage space above the machine shop into my own studio apartment.
It's a little cramped, but nice to be out on my own.
My grandma still insists I come over every night for family dinner.
I would probably just end up eating food rations anyways, so it seems to work out.
I always wanted to travel to a big city and see all the culture.
One of these days I'm sure I will, but who knows when?
I'm kind of a night owl.
Steven portrait stressed.png
I can't function too early in the morning.


Construction is an art form in itself, so I don't mind helping my grandpa out when he gets busy.
If you do your job right, the repairs restore new life into the objects.
Steven portrait confused.png
*playing with a mini metal brain teaser puzzle*
Steven portrait stressed.png
This thing is so frustrating, but I can't put it down either.
I'll get it one of these days.
Chip puts on my favorite show in the canteen on Saturdays. It's called The Real Adventures of Nickedemus Geronimo.
Steven portrait happy.png
It has it all... action, adventure, heroism... but what else would you expect from a real-life superhero?
Sometimes I get lost in abstract paintings...
It could just be my overactive imagination, but it feels like some of them are actually real colorful worlds.
Kendall kind of forces me to be tidier than I normally would be.
I can't leave sharp metal shavings or tools lying around when she stops by to hang out with me.


When we're off ship I like to volunteer my time at assisted living communities.
I think it makes a big difference when people have someone to talk to.
I try to put on the big brother act when I'm with Kendall.
Steven portrait sad.png
But the truth is... I'm pretty sure if we actually ever ran into trouble, she might be defending me.
Traveling around in space is great because I gain access to all the different ores on different planets.
Steven portrait stressed.png
But it can be hard to choose what ore I want to use when I'm working on an art piece.
Everyone is always telling me how talented I am, but I keep saying it just takes a lot of practice and dedication.
Steven portrait angry.png
But no one listens to me...
Jimmy and I have been friends for a long time.
Steven portrait happy.png
We used to ride the cargo elevator up and down and hide from his dad.

Good Friend

I recently discovered I have a hidden talent for opening jars.
I guess all my artistic endeavors have given me incredible forearm strength.
I know I should display more of my paintings in my room, but I never take the time to frame and hang them.
When you work with metals and real objects like I do, you have to get used to making mistakes and starting over.
But some of my best pieces were created from those mistakes.
I really admire how much you try to help others.
Steven portrait happy.png
I find that an admirable quality and I try to give back when I can too.
Steven portrait confused.png
Kendall and I need to come up with some great prank ideas.
My grandpa is always pulling pranks on us... but now that Kendall is old enough to help me, it's time to settle the score.

Best Friend

Steven portrait sad.png
My grandma is always playing matchmaker and trying to set me up.
Steven portrait sad.png
I'm not very good at dating because I never know what to say.
Besides, I kind of think you should be best friends with someone first.
Steven portrait stressed.png
So much of what we use is wasted, so I'm trying to use my art as a way of showing how materials can be recycled.
I only hope it inspires others to find creative ways to recycle.
One of these days I'd like to create an art memorial about our mission.
But I'm still waiting for the right idea and inspiration to hit me.
I think I work better alone than in a group.
Steven portrait stressed.png
I just have my own vision and I'm not very good at convincing others to do what I want.
My interest in art started when my grandpa showed me how to fold an origami fox when I was little.
I must have made millions of different sculptures with paper until I was old enough to handle power tools.
Now I find metals much more challenging, but the fox is still my favorite animal.


I'll miss living above the Machine Shop...
Steven portrait happy.png
...but it will be nice to get away from the constant noise of my grandfather working away.
Steven portrait stressed.png
Oh no... my grandpa wants to have a 'talk' later.
Steven portrait stressed.png
If you can get me out of this somehow, I will love you even more.
Steven portrait romanced.png
I'm going to make our wedding bands if that's OK. I have a great idea.
Steven portrait happy.png
I hope you like kids because Kendall is really excited you are officially joining our family.
Steven portrait confused.png
Since we got engaged, CPU has started calling me by your name...
Steven portrait confused.png
Is he messing with me or is he stuck in some kind of loop again?


Steven portrait romanced.png
I heart you.
Steven portrait romanced.png
*makes a heart shape with his fingers*
It's been a long couple of days so I'm looking forward to just getting some chill time soon.
I just finished another book from my queue.
It feels great to get caught up on some of my reading.
Steven portrait confused.png
How do you always have this much energy?
Steven portrait stressed.png
I hope I wasn't disturbing you late last night.
You seemed to be asleep....
Steven portrait romanced.png
And it was kind of cute watching you mumble your to-do list.
I'll probably sneak up to the outer hull later and see if there are any cool materials I can use.
I really admire you sometimes.
Steven portrait romanced.png
You and all your adorable qualities.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hey, I'm Steven.
I live aboard with my grandparents and little sister, Kendall.
Steven portrait stressed.png
If you meet her try and not to mention anything about g-h-o-s-t-s.
Steven portrait sad.png
She acts tough, but I think she's a little shaken up these days.
Steven portrait sad.png
It's not her fault though, things have felt creepy and isolating since we arrived at the Grey Planet.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

I hear you're heading out to the Grey Planet soon.
If you get back late and are hungry, the canteen is open until midnight.
But Chip still lets us grab drinks sometimes as long as we don't make a mess.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

Steven portrait confused.png
Did you have any luck down there?
PLAYER: I think so.

Really!? Well things around here just got a lot more interesting.
PLAYER: Not yet.

Steven portrait stressed.png
Don't be discouraged, somethings just take a little time to figure out.

During the Help Soot mission:

It's kind of crazy to think we've been here for so long and never found that cave.
...I guess it just takes a fresh perspective sometimes to see the answer to your problems.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

Steven portrait stressed.png
It seems like you have a lot on your plate.
I always remind myself to just take on one project at a time.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Steven portrait sad.png
When you are depositing fuel make sure you put it in the deposit bin properly.
Steven portrait sad.png
If you miss the bin, it gets all junked up and then guess who gets to go and fix it... *points at self*

During the Travel Days mission:

When we're traveling through space the machine shop always gets a lot busier.
I think everyone has more spare time and wants to tackle some projects on their to-do lists.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

My grandpa has some upgrade prototypes for your new microbe tool in the Machine Shop if you ever want to swing by.
He usually has decent ideas about how to improve tools.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

I promised to play a board game with Kendall.
Hopefully that will give you enough time to get down to the new planet without her jumping all over you.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

I know it must be difficult on the Blue Reef Planet surface, but it sure has beautiful scenery.
I couldn't sleep last night so I stayed up and did some sketches of the light shimmering over the surface of the planet.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

A lot of people around here can't stop talking about your latest Relic Piece discovery.
It's a nice change around here, just saying.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Steven portrait confused.png
Do you think that Relic was made by an artist?
I guess that might be a stupid question because it obviously has a lot of technology we don't understand incorporated into it.
Steven portrait confused.png
But it's also kind of a sculptural inspiration to me.

During the Discover a New World mission:

You have been so busy with work I'm surprised you even stopped by to talk to me today.}...well get going, I know you want to head down to that new planet.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Steven portrait confused.png
Did you know if you put sand into a furnace you can make glass?
I took a few glass blowing classes once and it's pretty amazing.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Steven portrait confused.png
Maybe I could do an etching of the relic piece before you bring it back to the Relic?It could be a historic discovery one day and it would be cool to be the artist who documented the details.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Steven portrait happy.png
I love being in space and learning about new planets.
I wonder if I'll ever land on a planet I'd want to call home...

During the The Planet Below mission:

Every time we arrive at a new planet, I like to document it in my book.
Steven portrait happy.png
This will be my 524th planet to date.
I'm so glad I keep these notes or I would have forgotten so many of them.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Steven portrait stressed.png
I hope your laser gun doesn't give you any trouble in the cold weather...
But as long as you keep firing it occasionally, it shouldn't have time to freeze up.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Think fast!
Steven portrait stressed.png
*hit in the face with a giant snowball*
Player receives
Snowball.png Snowball × 3
Steven portrait stressed.png
OMG! I'm so sorry, are you OK?
Steven portrait stressed.png
I thought you saw it coming.

During the End of the Road? mission:

Kendall and Soot have gotten a lot closer over this journey.
Steven portrait happy.png
I have to admit I like the little guy too.Whatever happens, I hope we can always be there for him... or her?

During the Explorer Badge mission:

I think I forgot to tell you how impressed I was by how you handled the situation with the Bunky Family.
I'm sure whatever you encounter down on this new planet you can handle...
Steven portrait stressed.png
But be careful anyways.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Steven portrait confused.png
Is it just me... or is it really too hot on this planet?
Steven portrait stressed.png
I can't seem to get any work done, I just want to nap all day.
Steven portrait stressed.png
Let's go back to Iceladus soon, OK?

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

We're all rooting for you, Captain...
Steven portrait happy.png
I can't even imagine what the next days will bring.

During the Master Explorer mission:

I don't tell many people this, but I'm a sucker for happy endings.}Finding Viridis and reuniting Soot with his family... well... it's just better than I could have imagined, is all...
*tears up* I gotta go...
Steven portrait stressed.png
But, thanks Captain. You are just the best.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Steven portrait happy.png
This is great stuff! Thanks a bunch. You're too nice.
I usually don't get too excited about things, but this is really awesome.
Steven portrait happy.png
Thank you... really.
Wow, I didn't even know how much I wanted this until you gave it to me.
Steven portrait happy.png
Ridiculously cool move, Captain.

Liked Gift

Oh cool. I was looking for something like this. Thanks!
This is great. Your thoughtfulness is kind of inspiring too.
Steven portrait happy.png
Fun, I will definitely enjoy this.

Neutral Gift

Hey thanks, I can always use more materials and things for inspiration.
For me? Well thanks, it's nice.
I'm impressed you have extra things to even give away. Thanks.

Disliked Gift

Steven portrait sad.png
Oh, well... I can use it in the scrap yard I think.
Steven portrait sad.png
There isn't much I don't like or can't recycle, but you managed to find something I have no use for.
Steven portrait angry.png
Yuck, pass.

Birthday Response

Steven portrait happy.png
Hey, thanks for the birthday gift.
All in all, it's been a great day so far even though I don't have anything fancy planned.
I guess I already do what I like most of the time anyways.

Specific Responses

Engagement Ring

There are several potential outcomes giving any character an engagement ring. If the player has completed all of the romance prerequisites, the character will accept the proposal. If the player is missing any of the prerequisites, they will be prompted with a unique line letting the player know which requirement they are missing.

Accepting the proposal:

Steven portrait happy.png
I don't know what to say!
Steven portrait confused.png
I never know what to say in times like this...
Steven portrait romanced.png
But you know me so well I bet you already know exactly what I want to say...
Steven portrait romanced.png
...of course I'll marry you.
Steven portrait romanced.png
I can always just be myself around you and that's why I love you.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a high enough friend status:

Steven portrait stressed.png
I'm not sure what to say but...
Steven portrait stressed.png
I just don't feel comfortable with you yet.
Steven portrait stressed.png
Let's just be friends for now.

Rejecting the proposal due to not going on enough dates:

Steven portrait confused.png
You must have saved up for a long time to buy this.
Steven portrait stressed.png
I feel really close to you, but I'd like to still get to know one another more on a personal level.
I know I'm not the best at making time, but next time you're free we'll have to schedule a date night.

Rejecting the proposal due to not having a large enough house:

Steven portrait stressed.png
I could see a future with you but...
Steven portrait confused.png
Neither of our living situations are ideal for us as a couple.
Steven portrait confused.png
Maybe once we have a bigger place to move into, we could move our relationship to the next level.

The player can also give Steven an engagement ring, while they are already married, for a different unique line.

Steven portrait romanced.png
It's just as wonderful as the first ring you gave me.
Steven portrait romanced.png
It's things like this that make me realize how much you love me.

Date Invitation

There are a few different outcomes giving any character a date invitation. The player must have a high enough relationship to give the character this item, or get rejected.

Accepting the date invite (non-married):

Steven portrait happy.png
We do really get along well, so I'm so glad you asked me.
Steven portrait stressed.png
I'm terrible at planning these things though.
Did you have something in mind?

Accepting the date invite (married):

Steven portrait happy.png
Best surprise ever! I love our dates!
Steven portrait romanced.png
Where are we headed this time?

Rejecting the invite due to not having a high enough friend status:

Steven portrait confused.png
Oh, I'm not really interested right now.
Steven portrait sad.png
But don't feel bad, I've been rejected before too for moving too fast...
Steven portrait happy.png
Haha, maybe we do have more in common than I thought.
Let's just be friends first and then who knows...