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This page lists the dialogue lines for Edward.

Generic Lines

Generic lines are lines the character will say to the player, based off the relationship to the player.




I like to tinker in my machine shop.
Stop by for a visit and I can improve your tools.
Piper and I like to play cards, but it seems like no one else knows how to play anymore.
Have you heard of a card game called 500? What about Euchre?
Edward portrait angry.png
Everyone is always trying to do everything for me. It gets annoying.
I love that goofy iRobot, but sometimes I just need some time alone with my blowtorch.
Have you been to Chip's Canteen yet?
Edward portrait stressed.png
Mmmm, good cooking there, but I usually have to eat at home when Piper is attempting to cook.
My kids grew up too fast so it's nice having the grandkids around.
They keep me young at heart.


Edward portrait stressed.png
Oh my goodness... does it feel colder in here to you?
Edward portrait stressed.png
Time to layer on another sweater.
Edward portrait stressed.png
I hope you don't think my prices in the machine shop are too expensive.
I try to set fair prices, but some of the upgrades sure are tricky.
Captain, remind me to get the ladder out later and wash the machine shop windows.
Or better yet, remind me to tell Steven to get up there and give them a good scrub.
Those windows are for his quarters after all...
You've really put in a lot of effort so far, Captain.
Edward portrait happy.png
Keep it up, Champ.
My parents owned a general store when I was a kid, so sometimes Steven and I give Jimmy a hand with his deliveries.
There is always something to do with a shop like that.


On one of my birthdays my family bought me a giant ice cream bowl since it's usually my post-dinner treat.
The kids always seem to be around at ice cream time.
You seem to really enjoy playing video games.
Did you know I once won a video game tournament.
You probably barely remember eSports, but it was a big deal when I was growing up.
We had some great strategies so if you ever need any tips let me know.
I'm not sure if Steven is going to take over the shop one day.
I'll support whatever he decides as long as he's happy.
Edward portrait stressed.png
Piper has so much energy, where does she get it from?
Edward portrait stressed.png
I had to pretend to be asleep in my chair to avoid some crafting duties.
You have any projects you're working on?

Good Friend

Edward portrait confused.png
Captain, did you know my brother was a captain, too?
He was stationed over there on um... what was it...
Edward portrait confused.png
I wanna say The Stellarn Station... or was it the Starmedon... *huffs*
Oh shoot, well... he was a great captain, just like you.
Edward portrait confused.png
Is it just me or does today feel like it's dragging on and on?
Edward portrait sad.png
I guess I just didn't want to get out of bed this morning.
Kendall has me wrapped around her little fingers.
Edward portrait stressed.png
I just can't say no to her... but PLEASE don't say anything to her...
Edward portrait stressed.png
If she ever confirmed this I would be completely done for.
Keep up the good work, Captain.
I know it's not always easy taking care of all of us, but things sure have improved since you came onboard.
Captain, I just started a side project to make my life easier...
I'm programming all the lights in our quarters to adjust to the color settings of whoever is in the room.
Edward portrait stressed.png
Although, I still have to figure out whose color settings take priority when we're all together.

Best Friend

Edward portrait stressed.png
*quickly crumples a candy wrapper*
Edward portrait confused.png
Oh Captain, hey... so how much did you see?
Captain, how do you like those peanut butter and pickle sammies served up at the canteen?
Edward portrait happy.png
Did you know that was my invention?!
I ordered them so much Chip just put it on the menu permanently.
Captain, I consider you part of my family nowadays.
I don't know what I'd do without you these days, so thanks for sticking with us.
Piper and I have a little ship we've saved for that was supposed to be for retirement.
She loves being part of this community so much that I think we'll have to reevaluate our plans.
Piper and I have been on this ship for so long I feel like it holds all our favorite memories.
We used to have picnic dates on the basketball court and take late night shuttles around the stars.

Mission Commentary

While the player is on various missions, characters will provide different commentary rather than just generic lines based on the player's relationship status.

During the Meet the Crew mission:

Hey [PLAYER], I'm Edward and you can usually find me tinkering in the Machine Shop.
Edward portrait stressed.png
You can probably tell things around this ship have seen better days.
But if I had a little help gathering supplies, I know we could really make a lot of improvements.
I know you'll also have your hands full with that Grey Planet.
Edward portrait stressed.png
I haven't been down myself, but from what Kaida says it's pretty barren.
Edward portrait confused.png
"The last 2... or was it 3... captains that Space Alliance assigned to our ship didn't really show much interest in helping out around here.
So I'm hoping you might be different.

During the Visit the Grey Planet mission:

Looks like Kaida gave you a set of tools.
I can upgrade those for you if you ever want to make them handier.

During the Report Back to Kaida mission:

That Grey Planet is full of surprises, isn't it?
Edward portrait confused.png
I wonder how Soot got trapped down there?

During the Help Soot mission:

I'm glad to see you got the hang of the shuttle craft controls.
I imagine you will be using it a lot to take supply trips back and forth.

During the Crew Meeting mission:

I'll head up to the bridge if you want, but I stopped going to officer's meetings a while ago.
I trust you to do what you think is right.

During the Ready for Departure mission:

Getting your taste of machine building I hear...
...they can be kind of tricky to get the hang of but you'll do great.

During the Travel Days mission:

It's about time this old ship moves again.
Machines are made to work.

During the Microbe Seeking mission:

I heard Frances gave you one of the microbe scanners I designed to help her monitor the microbiome.
I have some upgrade prototypes in the works for that tool you can purchase in the machine shop.
It might help you track down and catch difficult microbes a little easier.
Feel free to stop by anytime you're ready.

During the The Unknown Planet mission:

Edward portrait confused.png
I'm supposed to tell you something...
Edward portrait stressed.png
...ah shoot, oh well, I'll let you know if I remember.

During the Land Sickness Cure mission:

Edward portrait stressed.png
Being sick stinks. I wish I could help out more, but...
Edward portrait stressed.png
You better stick with Frances for advice on anything medical.
I usually treat everything with some petroleum jelly and bandages.

During the Mysterious Artifact mission:

Edward portrait happy.png
With the Relic Piece in tow we're ready for our next adventure!
I also just did a once over on the ship's main systems with Stewart.
Edward portrait happy.png
Overall it seems things are in better shape since you came aboard, Captain.

During the Journey Onward mission:

Edward portrait confused.png
I haven't been able to figure out how the Relic is transmitting those coordinates to CPU.
It's definitely not anything mechanical. I went over all the details Kaida gave me three times...
...I guess there are just some things in the universe we still don't understand.

During the Discover a New World mission:

Edward portrait happy.png
Woooooo-wee! We made it.
I told everyone the ship was still in good enough working order to make all these trips.
I guess we have you to thank for that as well.

During the Fixing the Shellship mission:

Edward portrait stressed.png
What a sandy mess, that desert planet!
I don't know how you're going to help that crab get his shellship back in working order, but if you need any supplies, you know where to find me.

During the Desert Relic Piece mission:

Edward portrait confused.png
Captain, did you know all along that Hermy had the relic piece?
PLAYER: I had a hunch.

Edward portrait happy.png
I knew it, I-1900 owes me 5 credits. Computers have a hard time interpreting body language sometimes but we know better.
PLAYER: Actually no!

Edward portrait sad.png
Well color me red. Darn it, I owe that I-1900 5 credits. I could have sworn you knew the whole time.

During the New Coordinates mission:

Hey Captain, got a little treat for you today...
Player receives
Fruit juice.png Fruit juice × 1
I-1900 makes them for Kendall's lunch box, but I can steal one every now and then.

During the The Planet Below mission:

Edward portrait confused.png
Have we arrived already?
Edward portrait confused.png
Wait... what day of the week is it? Hmph... I always lose track of the days when we are traveling in space.

During the Fighting Off the Cold mission:

Hey, so welcome back... *whispers* I heard about your little accident...
PLAYER: It's bad.

Edward portrait stressed.png
Ah, well, try not to feel too bad...
PLAYER: It's just a small hole.

Edward portrait stressed.png
That could have happened to anybody then...
Edward portrait stressed.png
...so how bad is the damage really?
I don't know much about snow construction, but it can't be too difficult to repair with the amount of raw material they have down there.

During the Ice Relic Piece mission:

Edward portrait angry.png
Captain, please talk to Pilot and CPU about our flight patterns.
Edward portrait angry.png
Every little rock debris we hit is another dent I have to hammer out...
Edward portrait sad.png
...I don't see them suiting up to help me either on their days off.
Edward portrait sad.png
Sorry if I'm a little crabby today. Piper switched the coffee to decaf again... like I wouldn't notice.

During the End of the Road? mission:

The relic sure has come a long way. It looks like it's only missing one more piece.
No matter what happens, you have been an inspiration to work with.

During the Explorer Badge mission:

Captain, I'm getting a lot of mechanical signals from the surface...
Edward portrait confused.png
Whatever is down there sure has impressive engineering skills.

During the Decoding the Message mission:

Hey Captain, do me a favor...
Edward portrait stressed.png
Try to not get Kendall too excited about those pirates.
Edward portrait stressed.png
Thank goodness she hasn't learned how to drive a shuttle craft yet.
I think she would have already gone down there and tried to join them.
*shakes head* What am I going to do with her...?

During the Lava Relic Piece mission:

Edward portrait happy.png
This is it, Captain!
Oh, I better make sure everything is running smoothly.
I think the crew might kick me off the ship if anything malfunctioned right now and delayed our trip.

During the Master Explorer mission:

I think you surprised everyone, kid. This mission was an amazing success, all because of you.
Edward portrait happy.png
The higher ups at Space Alliance will be chomping at the bit to re-assign you to bigger and better things. Just you wait and see.

Gifting Lines

Gifting lines are responses the player will give upon being given a gift, based on how much that character likes or dislikes the item received. Sometimes those responses are a generic response, and other times the player will get a specific response based on the item itself.

Loved Gift

Edward portrait happy.png
I love this. An old fuddy duddy like me can't pass up on one of these!
Edward portrait happy.png
This takes me back... thanks, Captain. It's really the best.
Edward portrait happy.png
This is the best present a guy could ask for. You can't fake a smile this big!

Liked Gift

Hey-hey, I was just thinking about something like this.
Edward portrait happy.png
And just like that... you made this old man's day. Thanks, Captain.
Great, this is going right into my personal stash... Kendall's not the only one with a hiding place you know!

Neutral Gift

Oh hey look at that! Me and the missus thank you for the gift.
Hey, I'll never turn down free stuff. Thank you.
Thanks, Captain. I'll just save this for later.

Disliked Gift

Edward portrait sad.png
I don't like these much. Maybe I'm getting too old for this kinda stuff.
Edward portrait angry.png
If you don't have anything nice to give, sometimes it's best to not give anything at all.
Edward portrait angry.png
Let me give you some advice. Just no.

Birthday Response

Edward portrait happy.png
A birthday gift for me! Thanks, Captain.
You are never too old to celebrate birthdays in my opinion.
Edward portrait happy.png
Plus, it's the best part of getting older these days. Well, gifts and cake of course.

Specific Responses

Shop Opening

Welcome to the Machine Shop, Captain. Would you like to schedule an upgrade for the ship?
Check out my friendship cards if you want to purchase one for someone's box.

Upgrade Commentary

While upgrading Fancy quarters:

The Fancy Quarters should be ready soon.
The construction bots were having a little trouble with all the marble tiling on the floor, but I gave them an extra battery cell to manage the extra heavy load.
That seemed to do the trick and we're back on schedule.

While upgrading Officer quarters:

The Officer Quarters construction is going well, but being so close to Chip's Canteen has proven a little disruptive.
I keep finding food bits in the gears of my construction bots.

While upgrading Damaged Deck:

The patch job on your deck is coming along nicely.
I bet you're excited to get rid of that eyesore!

While upgrading Damaged Deck 2:

I hope my construction bots are not getting in your way as they fix that hole on your deck.
It should only be for a little while longer.

While upgrading Damaged Deck 3:

Hey, Captain. I'm still working on that giant hole on your deck...
How did that even happen?

While upgrading Damaged Deck 4:

Sometimes I'm amazing your entire deck didn't collapse with all the holes on your deck.
As soon as we're done with this last patch job it should look brand new!

While upgrading Holographic simulator:

The crew is very excited the Holo-Sim is under construction again.
All the wiring is a little tricky, but I need to make sure the fail safes are properly working so if things malfunction the programs will automatically disengage.
Can you imagine the havoc if the safety features could be disabled? *shakes head*

While upgrading Captain's kitchen:

The construction bots should have your new kitchen up and running soon!
I bet you are looking forward to a home cooked meal.

While upgrading Captain's master bedroom:

The Master Bedroom should give you the extra space you need.
The construction bots should go into quiet mode at $clock1320 so you don't have to listen to their hammering and buzzing after-hours.

While upgrading Vehicle docking station:

Everyone is excited to have the vehicle docking stations working again.
We haven't had a lot of visitors since I had to close them down for safety reasons.

While upgrading Storefront quarters:

The Storefront Quarters are still underway!
I wonder what kind of store will get added to our little Plaza?
*thinks it over*... I better start saving my credits.

While upgrading Laser blaster level 2 upgrade:

Your Laser Blaster should be ready soon.
The power boost I'm adding should save you a lot of energy.

While upgrading Laser blaster level 3 upgrade:

I'm just working on the supercharge for your new Laser Blaster now, but it shouldn't take much longer.
I took it for a trial run and it sure packs a punch!

While upgrading Laser blaster level 4 upgrade:

I think you'll be quite pleased with the Laser Blaster power boost I'm installing now.
I know it must be hard to get your work done without it so it's my top priority!

While upgrading Restoration ray level 2 upgrade:

I'm still working on your Restoration Ray upgrade.
*huffs* I keep getting the intake value and the diffuser value mixed up...
"But don't worry, I'll have all the bugs worked out before I send it back to you.

While upgrading Restoration ray level 3 upgrade:

Steven is helping me with your new Restoration Ray upgrade now.
*chuckles* He got a little too close to it when he was testing it and got his hair stuck in it.
Good thing I was there monitoring his work so I could save the day!

While upgrading Restoration ray level 4 upgrade:

This last upgrade to your Restoration Ray should be able to tackle anything left on your deck.
And I back all of my work 100%. If it gives you any trouble you just send it right back to me!

While upgrading Shovel level 2 upgrade:

Your Shovel upgrade is coming along nicely...
How can a shovel dig in multiple places at once you ask?
Well... it's a trade secret so I can't tell you. *laughs*

While upgrading Shovel level 3 upgrade:

I'm still working on your Shovel upgrade right now, but it should be done soon.
I want to make sure all the details are just right.

While upgrading Shovel level 4 upgrade:

I'm just adding the finishing touches to your Shovel upgrade now.
Yup, it's going to be a real top of the line tool when I'm done with it.

While upgrading Watering pack level 2 upgrade:

I'm noodling over the details on your Watering Pack now.
The trick is to add just the right amount of anti-gravity force to compensate for the extra water. This way you don't throw your back out carrying it around.

While upgrading Watering pack level 3 upgrade:

*sleeves soaking wet* Yeah, working on your Watering Pack upgrade has been a little messy.
One slip and SPLASH!!! I need more dry rags around my workbench.

While upgrading Watering pack level 4 upgrade:

The Watering Pack upgrade I'm working on is going to be pretty awesome if I do say so myself.
You must have a ton of planters up on your deck to need something this advanced.

While upgrading Microbe detector level 2 upgrade:

When I'm finished with this microbe detector don't forget it comes with a display that should tell you how many microbes are in your area.
If an area doesn't have a lot of microbe activity it might be worth just checking a different part of the ship.

While upgrading Microbe detector level 3 upgrade:

Your level 3 Microbe Dectector is still in progress.
But with a larger radius and more scan points I'm sure it will make catching those little guys MUCH easier.

While upgrading Microbe detector level 4 upgrade:

The latest upgrade for your Microbe Dectector I'm working on has a special sensory chip.
This chip can detect what types of microbes are near you.
It should make finding specific microbes a little easier.

While upgrading Spaceboard:

Your spaceboard docking station is underway...
The old spaceboard models were always breaking down, but these new models are a lot more reliable.
Once we figured out how to continuously cool the nitrogen for longer periods of time, the superconductor just worked better.