Large xeno pod

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Large xeno pod.png
This large Xeno Pod can house up to 8 Xeno. Egg incubator included.
Item Information
Category Machine
Merchant Information
Sell 825 Credits.png

Large xeno pod is a building which can be crafted by the player at the workbench, each small pod can hold up to eight xenos. If the pod is full, the player will not be able to place another egg in the incubator. The small xeno pod is the same exterior size as the large pod, however there is a small walk-able tile around the parameter that reduces the internal size and only allows the building to hold up to four xenos.

A basic xeno pod comes with an incubator, a feed bin, along with four feeding stations already installed when the player first builds the building. The feed bin will connect to any feed repositories the player has on their captain's deck and will dispense plant material. The player can upgrade the small xeno pod and outfit it with a automatic feeding bot, which will automatically put plant material into the feeding stations for the xenos to eat.

The auto-feeder triggers first thing in the morning, and only dispenses enough food for the current number of xenos in the building at that moment. The xenos eat from the feed bin when the player goes to sleep. Due to this, if the player hatches a xeno during the day (or moves a xeno into a building), the auto feeder will not automatically feed the new xeno. The player must manually place feed in the bin. At the beginning of the next day, the auto feeder will count the new xeno and they will be automatically fed from that point on-wards.

Building dimensions:
External: 7 (width) x 5 (height)
Internal (roughly): 25 (width) x 14 (height)

Building options:
Building options can be accessed by clicking the small blue control panel to the right of the xeno pod door.

  • Manage: Clicking Manage will display an interactable list of the xeno that are living in this pod.
  • Rename Building: Clicking Rename Building will allow the player to input a custom name for this pod.
  • Upgrade: Clicking Upgrade will display the purchase option available for the auto-feeder bot for this pod.
  • Move: Clicking Move will not destroy this xeno pod or xeno it contains, but will allow the pod to be moved to a different buildable place on the map. Canceling this operation leaves it where it was originally.
  • Demolish: Clicking Demolish on an empty xeno pod will destroy it, meaning it will be removed from its position and left floating on the map. It can now be picked up and added back to your inventory. If a xeno pod contains xeno, it cannot be demolished. A message will appear and inform the player that the xeno must be removed before the pod can be demolished.



Product Ingredients Machine Time
Large xeno pod.png
Large xeno pod
Scrap metal block.png Scrap metal block × 75
Glass.png Glass × 30
Wires.png Wires × 8
Soil sample.png Soil sample × 80
Workbench.png instant
Recipe Source: Email after The Planet Below mission.
Large auto-feeder upgrade.png
Large auto-feeder upgrade
Credits.png credits × 2,000
Large xeno pod.png instant



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No crafting recipe needs Large xeno pod as an ingredient.


No missions require Large xeno pod to complete them.
